Monday, October 24, 2011

Palin TV's Founder Announces; "I'll Do My Part To Make Sure Gingrich Is President"

SHEYA who was a driving force behind so many high profile sites for Sarah Palin-as stated; " I set up, maintained and financed multiple Palin support sites including PalinTV, Conservatives4Palin, Organize4Palin, Palin4America." made a dramatic announcement on site;
At this link in a post entitled;

"Newt Gingrich For President"

Here are just three salient passages, but to get the whole, striking, erudite, and well thought out reasoning click on the link above.
"Until recently the idea of me supporting someone other than Governor Palin for President in 2012 was unthinkable. Ever since the 2008 election I spent most of my day defending and correcting Governor Palin’s record in preparation of her running for president. I set up, maintained and financed multiple Palin support sites including PalinTV, Conservatives4Palin, Organize4Palin, Palin4Ameirca. With some websites, it was public knowledge that I was operating them; with others, to this day only a handful of people are aware that I was behind them. I spent the better part of three years and thousands of dollars hoping for a President Palin in 2012.

Newt Gingrich is a man of ideas, is smart, has solutions, knows how the world works, and has leadership qualities. No one can argue that Gingrich is not qualified to be president. I can see Gingrich in the situation room making tough decisions without needing 16 hours to adjust or calculate how it will affect him politically. A President Gingrich would be feared by dictators and respected by our allies.

But until then, I’ll do my part to make sure that when I wake up on November 7th 2012 Newt Gingrich is our new elected president and when that happens, I for one will feel secure, will breathe a sigh of relief, and will be truly hopeful that America will rise again and a brighter future awaits the world. "

This announcement mirrors my new site" Palin Supporters For Gingrich 2012" and also mirrors a substantial groundswell for Gingrich amongst Palin supporters which is readily apparent at such sites as Conservatives4Palin.

Josh Painter at Texans for Sarah Palin also has the link up and has had some solid Gingrich articles recently.

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