Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Palin's Blue Suede Shoe's In Tupel-OH MY! And A Message Of The Two "Kings" Of America

At The People for Palin  (LINK)site the delightful Missy has a wonderfully descriptive review  ("Don't Step On Her Blue Suede Shoes") of Sarah Palin's address to the "Women of Joy" conference in Tupelo Mississippi. 

This is  by far the fullest overview I have seen and I am truly grateful to  have Missy's permission to bring it to the attention of readers of this site. Please note that the photograph's and the article are her copyright and if people wish to reproduce them they must seek her permission as a courtesy at least.

Sarah received the key to the City at the event and spoke of the true King of us all as her inspiration, and also did a tribute to Elvis, the King of Rock n, Roll from Tupelo in her own imaginative way, with her striking blue suede shoes.

Rather than publish excerpts I would suggest that readers click on the link above to get the true flavor of the event-all the color and joy and inspiration and read what you don't see in the MSM-the powerful interaction between Palin and those who see her in her true reality-undistorted by the leftist filter.

Enjoy the article at the link and enjoy the photo's. I don't care that the main picture is reproduced so large that it bleeds into the side of the blog-it is worth  the page being unstructured as the photo gives a hint of the grand atmosphere and of course-those shoes!. Thanks Missy.

palin blue suede 200 004

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