Thursday, December 29, 2011

150,000+ Site Hits-Thank You For Your Interest And Comments

As indicated in the upper right hand side of the blog we, the readers and I, have soared past 150,000 page views.

This is in just over two years, but interestingly the 100,000 page view mark was achieved in September so the volume of page views has increased strikingly. All I can do is repeat the "thank you" list from the 100k mark as there is nothing I can add except to say all thanks are doubly reinforced.. Michael J.


This Blog started in November 2009 with 8 posts, posted in trepidation and with next to zero blogging skills.
As of today it has just passed the 100,000 hits mark-with a substantial proportion of those coming in the last 6 months.

Here are the official "Wordpress" statistics;

Not too bad for, as the masthead says, an occasional blog, although given the increasing response I have been posting more regularly recently. I have tried to keep the post varied and not too politically centered and have been able to have posts on religion, art, baseball, family, and a host of other subjects, including humor and satire, which I hope have piqued interest.

There have been a number of people who have acted as mentors, especially on the technical bits, and who have shown endless patience and kindness, these (their links are on the blog) include:

Josh Painter at TexansforSarahPalin
Fay at Sarah Palin Information Blog
Stacy McCain at The Other McCain
Smitty at The Other McCain
Lisa Gilmer at Saucy American in New Zealand
Ian Lazaran at Conservatives4Palin whose link to one of my posts resulted in 4,315 hits-my largest single response.

The people who were so kind as to become "followers" of this blog humble me immensely, and force me to keep posting regularly, as I feel deeply obligated to them for their interest. As I do too of course towards all those who have read and commented on the blog.

I was stunned and appreciative towards the two kind people who donated $20 -I will not dine out on caviare on the income from this blog, but the gesture was wonderful. I would hope to build this up to where it becomes a regular and sophisticated forum for conservative thought, and social commentary, but that will be up to the readers to decide if it is possible.

Again, thanks to all,
Michael Joseph Sheppard

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