Thursday, December 1, 2011

McCain Promotes Santorum As Palin Singles Him Out For Praise

Update; Stacy McCain of "The Other McCain" has a full analysis of the Palin/Santorum meeting of minds at this link

On Hannity Sarah Palin refused to, at this point, endorse any candidate. However she appeared to single Rick Santorum out for praise and then, in an unprecedented step released the following "tweet"

On the same day, at this link, Robert Stacy McCain, the highly influential blogger and journalist ran a top of the website detail of Santorum's upcoming movements.This follows an in-depth article on Santorum's current position at this link.

McCain has been a strong supporter of Herman Cain but admits that things in that area have been troublesome over the last month. If this promotion of Santorum by McCain marks a move to full on support and Palin continues to offer praise then something very radical could be in the air.

Santorum has been putting in the groundwork in Iowa, visiting every area and he is a strong social conservative, has executive experience and consistently polls well in Pennsylvania. If Gingrich, who is now starting to feel the blowtorch of the MSM/opposing GOP candidates/Dem's falters then, who knows, Santorum might be in a position to be the next Non-Romney.

Certainly Santorum is unencumbered by any personal baggage. If his social views come under attack whilst he is rising, should he rise, then there would be little effect on his rising support as everyone is well aware of his right to life beliefs.

At this point it is Gingrich's nomination to lose. However for my two cents I would caution him against statements like " Let's face it, I am going to be the nominee" and children being put to work in schools. 

This is just adding grist to his opponents mill (hubris, which "Hot Air" titled Gingrich's comment is not a good look). He should concentrate 100% on attacking Obama and leave the controversial statements, the sort of thing that got Perry in trouble, and the hubris to others.

Palin is wise not to endorse until all the flavor of the month sequences play out-if Gingrich is not the last one. If she leaves it too late to get any personal benefit from an endorsement then so be it. If she doesn't endorse and nobody has enough delegates in Tampa then who knows what will happen. 

She could give an impassioned speech for one of the candidates which might create a groundswell, or she might give an impassioned speech as per William Jennings Bryan which might also create a Wilkie effect.

In the second half of the Hannity interview Palin repeats it is a "he" who will be the candidate-which leaves out Bachmann of course. She strongly emphasizes Santorum's qualities of "idealogical consistency on Iran, Israel, right to life and lowering taxation- all strong Tea Party/Palin views.

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