Saturday, December 31, 2011

Palin; If I was Running This Is What I Would Campaign On

From; Sarah Palin Information Blog

Palin in Washington Post: Take on Elites, Become Energy Independent

Posted by Ron Devito on December 31, 2011

The Washington Post today asked several key 2012 hopefuls who had declined to run what the would be campaigning on. Following is the complete transcript of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s response:
Given the concerns I have for some of the Republican field’s focus thus far, I must implore the candidates to do something that sounds self-promoting, but whatever. Candidates, please turn to Chapter Three of “Going Rogue” and read what it takes for our country to step toward energy independence. Note the lesson I share in the same chapter about taking on the “elite,” the crony capitalists and the permanent political establishment to get a job done.

Do you really realize what is at stake? What is at stake is our republic. The gravity of today’s situation is real. We count on you to lead our nation on the right path. Please let us know you realize this. Understand how the left’s terrifyingly naive assault on American industry exposes us to the mercy of foreign regimes whose prime objective is, at worst, our permanent demise and, at best, is stripping away our freedom. God has blessed America with ingenuity, natural resources and the strength of our workforce. Let’s use them. Tell voters that you understand this. Talk about this on the campaign trail. And quit gripin’ and moaning about “inside baseball” partisan machinations and maneuvering. We have other things to worry about. Stay strong. Focus on defending our republic and how we’ll re-industrialize our most exceptional nation in order to defeat the incumbent and win for America.

H/T Ian Lazaran, Conservatives4Palin for Story Lead

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