Sunday, December 4, 2011

POLL: Who Might Be Gingrich's Vice-Presidential Pick?

With the GOP nomination all but done and dusted-Cain's coming endorsement should ensure Newt has more than enough voting support to take Iowa S.Carolina and Florida and may even provide the margin for victory in New Hampshire. If Palin endorses him it would seal the deal totally.

The rank and file might now turn its attention to Newt's running mate as if there is substantial and vociferous groundswell for an individual, the Gingrich team might well take note of the vox populi. There is a wealth of talent to choose from, and the geographical, gender, and experience areas are well covered . It would be an interesting exercise to see who, in this poll at least, is the people's choice. There are constitutional considerations with both Cain and McDonnell, as the VP can't be from the same state as the presidential candidate, but that can be dealt with in plenty of time by moving an address as happened with  Cheney.

If your preference is other than those listed for example MARCO RUBIO simply state who it is in the "comments" section and it will be added to the final totals.

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