Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Santorum Leaps Ahead Of Gingrich After Running Ad's Praising Palin-Palin's Proxy Now?

In what is a remarkable development the just released Time/CNN poll has Rick Santorum leapfrogging past previous Iowa front runner Newt Gingrich into third place. Not just third, but a substantial third place at 16% just 5 points behind second place getter Ron Paul and 9 points behind new front runner Romney.

It seems hardly a coincidence that Santorum's rise from way behind the field started after Palin praised him effusively on Fox. Santorum has recently taken to running adverts praising Palin and that has coincided with this remarkable rise to third place with just days before the caucus vote.

Another factor in Santorum's rise may be the dedicated work for him in the blogosphere by the likes of the hugely influential Robert Stacy McCain whose "The Other McCain" site is a go to place for activists. After the downfall of Cain, Stacy McCain has wholeheartedly supported Santorum, pointing out the massive groundwork Santorum has put in all over Iowa in particular.

It doesn't matter what the main stream media thinks or says about Santorum at this point. The plain fact is that his conservative, Catholic, bona fides are there for all to see and are genuine. That Palin has praised him and he has signalled, through his praise of Palin, that he would support her policy and ethics may be the signal to the Palin supporters that Santorum is Palin's proxy. 

Proxy  to keep Romney from the nomination so there is a possibility of a draft for Palin in Tampa or proxy for her policies should he be the candidate? Either way works.

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