Wednesday, January 18, 2012

After Palin's Endorsement Gingrich Goes Straight To the Lead In South Carolina

Once again the person who the left has written off as irrelevant shows the tremendous support from and influence with the GOP rank and file.

On Tuesday Palin announced on the Hannity program that she would vote for Newt Gingrich if she lived in South Carolina. This of course subsequent to her husband Todd endorsing Newt fully. The media reaction was scathing as usual and the Dem Pollster PPP actually said that any rise that Gingrich may be getting was not due to Palin because they view that voters would be less likely to vote for a palin endorsed candidate.

That the Washington Post, no friend of the Palin's poll showed exactly the opposite appears to have no bearing on things as far as the left is concerned.

Of course Gingrich's excellent performance at the most recent debate has a lot to do with his rise but it can be no coincidence that the turnaround after Palin's support was so striking.

The previous Insider Advantage poll of South Carolina voters had Romney running away with it at 32% Newt on 21% Paul on 14% and Santorum on 13%. That was as recent as last Sunday.

Their just released poll has a staggering turnaround: Gingrich 32% Romney 29% Paul 15% and Santorum way off the pace at 11%. If the residual Perry support and more of Santorum's support goes to Newt he could win this thing and then, with Santorum and Perry out it will be a Romney vs Palin supported Gingrich for the nomination. 

Much will also depend on the voters reaction to the coming ABC hatchet job on Newt. If they see it for what it is, a desperate last minute jack up then Gingrich might win in landslide.

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