Monday, January 23, 2012

Chinese New Year Volunteer Outreach Day

I am Ethnic Communities Ambassador for the leprosy Mission on a volunteer basis. One of my, rather delightful activities is to attend celebrations and especially celebrations with lots of ethnic food. During the last few months I have been honored to be a guest at festivals put on by the Bangladeshi, Ethiopian (where I had goat for the first time and found it delicious) and Nepalese communities (pictured above).

 The Leprosy Mission works in those countries and my aim is to engage the immigrant community to garner their local knowledge and expertise so we can do the best job possible at our projects in their countries of origin.

There is the added benefit that by such interaction the immigrant communities are reaching out to the wider community both local and world-wide. The further benefit is I get to eat a lot of exotic food and watch delightful cultural dances etc. I also get to work with enthusiastic young people who have become volunteers in my department such as the charming young ladies who gave up their time from their studies to assist me at the display stand.

I can't recommend volunteer work highly enough especially if there is the opportunity to cultural interaction.

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