Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Gingrich Asks Palin To Consider "Major Role" In His Admin." Secretary of State?

I would imagine that Newt would offer Palin secretary of Energy given, as he rightly points out, her vast experience in such matters. However there is no reason why Gingrich couldn't do as President Obama did with Hillary and offer her the Secretary of State position.

 I can't imagine a more dynamic person to represent the USA in difficult times. Also it would be one in the eye for Bolton who would have blown his chances after Newt advised, he would give him the position, and then Bolton bolted and endorsed Romney.

Here is Gingrich's statement from Conservatives4palin

"Gov. Palin is somebody who I think was a very good reform governor. She was extraordinarily effective negotiating with big oil. She did a good job in the state of Alaska. I think she’s a very articulate leader of the tea party conservative movement. I was honored and delighted last night when she said if she were in South Carolina, she’d vote for Newt Gingrich. I hope everybody who likes her decides she’s right. And I hope they vote for me."

Certainly, she’s one of the people I’d call on for advice. I would ask her to consider taking a major role in the next administration if I’m president, but nothing has been discussed of any kind. And it wouldn’t be appropriate to discuss it at this time."I’m just delighted that she and Todd have been both of them so supportive of my candidacy. And they recognize that, you know, I’m a tea party Reform conservative. I’m not part of the Washington establishment. And I think that’s the signal that her endorsement last night really sends."

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