Wednesday, January 25, 2012

In His Own Words; Gingrich's First 100 Days Of Action As President

It is important to cut through all the Romneyite and liberal media media distortion to hear, unfiltered, what Newt Gingrich would do as president. Here, in his own words, are Newt's first 100 days of action. 

The plan of action is detailed from 4:20 of the second audio clip-breathtaking its scope and speed. Both tapes are well worth listening two for a full, broad brush overview, of Gingrich, the man and his plan.

The First 100 Days of President Gingrich (Updated)

Newt Gingrich discusses the first 100 days of his Presidency in this interview with host Stephen K. Bannon on The Victory Sessions:

Part 1:


Part 2:

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