Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Iowa Result-They Don't Want Romney; Romney 25% (25% In 2008!) Non-Romney 75%

The writing on the wall; Iowa's Caucus result;
Romney 25 % 
Non-Romney 75 %

Or in even starker than that terms-Romney actually received the same percentage that he did in 2008!

One could of course divide out any of the non-Romney's e.g. Gingrich, and get a stark result e.g. Gingrich 14 % Non-Gingrich 
  84% but that  of course misses the point altogether.

The point is that Romney is supposed to be the inevitable nominee, the owner of the "next in line, it's his turn" mantle. That flies in the face of the consistent Iowa polling and tonight's result. Let's face facts, what we see in Iowa is Christian conservatives/libertarians 76%  RINO/Beltway/Mormon 24 %   

The rank and file don't want Romney. He may win in New Hampshire, but the polls so far show that the majority of Republicans in Iowa, South Carolina, and Florida don't want him. 

Neither does a massive 75% of GOP voters nationwide;

It may be an anti-RINO feeling which may dissipate to some degree come November, but reading conservative blogs there is a dogged determination not to vote for a RINO this time. 

If Romney does get the nomination, via the fracturing of the conservative vote, the  subsequent stay at home level of usual GOP voters could doom his campaign-if Trump and Gary Johnson have not done so anyway.

CONSERVATIVES4PALIN had this prescient  view of the subsequent Iowa caucus results;

Isn’t it time for Newt to consider taking a dive in New Hampshire by telling two-thirds of his supporters in New Hampshire to purposefully vote for Paul in New Hampshire in the hopes that Paul can deliver a crushing blow to Romney in the state? After all, wouldn’t Newt take 5% in New Hampshire if it meant that Paul beat Romney by a 36-34 margin in NH because Gingrich’s voters strategically played Mitt like a fiddle? The short-run success of the Ron Paul Revolution may help make the long-run success of the Palin revolution possible.
What continues to be amazing about the media coverage of Mitt Romney is that he will likely win fewer votes in the 2012 Iowa caucuses than the number of votes he won in the 2008 Iowa caucuses despite the fact he’s facing significantly weaker competition in 2012 than he faced in 2008 and yet the media will declare him one of the winners if he finishes in second or third place

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