Friday, January 27, 2012

New Huge Florida Poll of 2500 Voters Has Gingrich Back In front

This is a  local Florida poll and has a substantial base of over two and half thousand likely voters.

Further, Gallup has Gingrich not only in front nationwide but increasing the gap between him and Romney to its widest yet.

The polls have been all over the place and although the GOP establishment, as Palin points out  and the liberal media have thrown the kitchen sink at Newt if these two polls are correct the game is not quote up and the coronation of Romney may still be on hold.

The key to the result is Santorum's vote which according to this poll is collapsing. If enough conservatives realize that a vote for Santorum, who is reported to be leaving Florida before election day "broke an tired," is a vote for Romney and switch to Newt then Gingrich will be in a very strong position.

If Palin endorses Newt as well then anything can happen-we shall see.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Florida is up for grabs when it comes to next week's Republican primary, according to a new Dixie Strategies/First Coast News poll.
According to the new results out today, Newt Gingrich leads over Mitt Romney statewide, but his lead is well within the poll's1.93 percent margin of error.
In the three days leading up to Thursday's debate at the University of North Florida, First Coast News and St. Augustine-based Dixie Strategies commissioned the Dixie Strategies/First Coast News Public Opinion Survey, a poll of Republicans throughout the state who described themselves as "likely" voters in the Jan. 31 primary. 
When asked, "If the Republican Presidential Primary were held today, for whom would you vote?," 35.46 percent of the 2,567 likely voters polled selected former House speaker Gingrich, and 35.08 percent selected Romney.

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