Thursday, January 19, 2012

New Poll Confirms Gingrich 6 Point Lead In SC And Better Favorables than Romney

PPP Polling (Dem) just released their second poll of South Carolina GOP voters and it confirms the first poll-Newt Gingrich is still up 6 points on Romney at 35% to 29% with Santorum and Paul way back on 15% each.

For  the first time Newt's favorables at 53% are higher than Romney's as well at 51%


PPP gives none of the credit for this to Palin, saying that voters are less likely to support a Palin endorsed candidate.This is in total contradiction to the Washington Post findings which says the complete opposite.

With Newt's amazing opening to the latest debate unless the hack job by his wife and ABC causes a dramatic turnaround against him he is looking very good. 

If he wins then no matter what PPP thinks it will be clear to everyone, except biased Dem's, that Palin had a tremendous influence on the result. Just two weeks ago Romney had a 16 point lead on Gingrich whom everyone had written off-except Palin.

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