Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Now That's A Problem, It Means I Can't Vote In November

"In New York, if you cast a write-in ballot and the candidate did NOT register as a write-in candidate, all votes will go to the candidate of that party."

If this is correct, and it applies to the November election, not just to a primary election, it means I will have to sit out the November election-which will be the first I have missed since being able to vote.

That applies for me if Romney is the nominee as I would write in Palin, but if she has not declared as a write-in candidate as per the purported N.Y. rules, my vote would go to Romney.

Which it won't as of course I won't write in her or Newt's name under that scenario. I won't vote third party so the best I can hope for is that the Republican turnout is low and that is ascribed to stay at home protests by conservatives.

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