Thursday, January 26, 2012

Palin Accuses Establishment of ‘Trying to Crucify’ Gingrich.Campaign Hangs On Tonight's Debate And Palin's Endorsement

What needs doing now is for Palin to announce that she is endorsing Newt Gingrich as the true conservative in the race with all the experience and combative skills to take on President Obama. If she does, and Newt wins the establishment, who have thrown the kitchen sink with all its drain crap still intact at him, will have suffered a perhaps irreversible blow.

The campaign may well rest on Newt's performance tonight-how many times has he been able to lift himself to a higher level by his remarkable debating skills- and Palin's endorsement.

Sarah Palin attacked Newt Gingrich’s detractors in an interview set to air tonight. “Look at Newt Gingrich, what’s going on with him, via the establishment’s attacks,” she told Fox Business Network. “They’re trying to crucify this man and rewrite history, and rewrite what it is that he has stood for all these years.”
She said she felt Ron Paul had also been “vilified.”
“It’s not just Ron Paul,” Palin added. “I believe it is also Newt Gingrich that the establishment, that the liberal media, certainly that the progressives and Democrats don’t like.”

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