Saturday, January 28, 2012

Romney's Lead Narrows To 8 In PPP Poll;Cain Endorses Newt;Palin "Vote Newt"

Some online polls have Romney running away with Florida at 11 points above Gingrich. 

However Gallup's nationwide poll still shows newt ahead of Romney outside the MOE and tonight we have the first reputable poll from PPP which got South Carolina almost right. 

PPP has Romney at  40 % and Gingrich at  32% with Santorum-who has given up at 15 %.

Again, if Santorum and Paul's supporters think strategically they can stop Romney in Florida and give their respective campaign a chance down the line. if they split the vote they may well give Romney his coronation.

Will tonight's make statements from Palin and Cain change the scene once again-it will if Santorum and Paul's supporters take notice.

With Cain's endorsement the sides are clearly drawn. For Romney; McCain/Pawlenty/Huntsman  For Gingrich; Palin/Perry/Cain. The message to Santorum's supporters is clear.
Here's Herman making it official;

Here is Palin's call "Rage against The machine vote Newt"

Former GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain endorsed Newt Gingrich for the GOP nomination Saturday night:
The author of the now-famous 9-9-9 tax plan announced his endorsement in West Palm Beach, Florida, three days ahead of that state’s vital primary. The endorsement is a welcome boost for Gingrich, who has found himself having to defend himself against a vicious onslaught of attacks from former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

"It is time for conservatives and Republicans to refocus their attention on the ultimate mission of defeating President Obama," Cain said at the Palm Beach County GOP Lincoln Day Dinner. "I believe Speaker Gingrich is the bold leader we need to accomplish this mission."


Cain and Gingrich both come from the Atlanta area and have been friends for more than 20 years. The two men worked together in the early 1990s to help defeat Hillary Clinton’s plans for healthcare, and as House Speaker, Gingrich appointed Cain to the National Commission on Economic Growth and Tax Reform Commission – better known as the Kemp Commission.

Gingrich said he was “honored” to have Cain’s support and immediately announced that the former pizza mogul would co-chair his tax reform and economic growth advisory council.

The venue for the endorsement was as unique as Cain’s spirited style – with Gingrich actually stepping in for Herman Cain as the headliner for the Palm Beach County event. The former House Speaker took over Cain's spot as keynote speaker at the Palm Beach County Republican Party's Lincoln Day dinner Sat. evening. Cain then stole back the limelight with his surprise endorsement.

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