Friday, January 6, 2012

Santorum; Party Like It Was 1963? JFK Would Probably Have Voted For His Values

Now that Rick Santorum has achieved the almost impossible, rising from under 5% in Iowa polling to have possibly won it (waiting on the recount) his views will of  course come under, I was going to say scrutiny, but since the liberal media is gearing up already, lets use the right word which is of course "attack."

I can save them the trouble. Santorum is nothing if not utterly honest about his social views as was seen clearly in New Hampshire where he stood for over an hour presenting them to university students who of course, being liberals who believe in liberality, booed him.

Below are his clearly stated views on same sex marriage and abortion,limited government, states rights and using America's natural resources to stop America's foes taking advantage of America's current political correctness economic  irrationality.

You may not agree with any or all of his beliefs but surely you can admit he is honest if you don't agree, which in itself makes a change from the usual political fare.However I want to put them in the context of america's golden age.An America ceased to exist on November 22nd 1963. The America which died with JFK was not perfect of course and neither was he but it was a time of prosperity, of enthusiasm, of can do of greatness and had moral ethos that is alien today.

That ethos, that morality is reflected in Santorum's (and Palin to some degree) societal beliefs. They are beliefs the Kennedy family (see link) espoused then and now. It is a logical conclusion, I believe, that if those beliefs were re-introduced and the mores of  nearly 50 years of big government welfare-ism were gradually rolled back then the America that was born November 23rd 1963 would be discarded as a failed liberal experiment.

It may be that Santorum is not the one to start this change although he supports the values needed for it. It may be that Palin will be the one but one thing is certain it will not be Mitt Romney nor Barack Obama

The following reports on the values that Rick Santorum is said to hold were gleaned from various media reports.

He supports outlawing abortion in all cases, even rape and incest, and supports criminal prosecution for doctors who perform abortions.

“Every society in the history of man has upheld the institution of marriage as a bond between a man and a woman. Why? Because society is based on one thing: that society is based on the future of the society. And that’s what? Children. Monogamous relationships,” continued Santorum, then the Republican Conference chairman. “In every society, the definition of marriage has not ever to my knowledge included homosexuality.

“Religious liberty is now trumped because … the courts have created a ‘super’ right that’s above a right that’s actually in the Constitution, and that’s of sexual liberty. And I think that’s a wrong, that’s a destructive element,”

On Thursday, he continued that line of argument, comparing gay marriage to polygamy.
“So anyone can marry can marry anybody else? So if that’s the case, then everyone can marry several people … so you can be married to five people. Is that O.K.?” Santorum questioned a student in Concord, N.H.

Santorum, a Republican presidential candidate from Pennsylvania, said he’s frustrated that Democratic President Barack Obama and others don’t want to drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska when it would lower energy costs, in turn bolster the economy and pull Americans from the ranks of the unemployed and uninsured.

“I suspect there’s some who would say, ‘No, we can’t do that because of the caribou,’ ” his voice revving up in intensity. “Then don’t come and talk to me about, well, let’s be concerned about the uninsured. You can’t have it both ways.”

ON FEDERAL CONTROL OF EDUCATION: “It will be incredibly limited. I don’t come in with the mistake that George Bush came in with, that I’m the governor of the United States. I don’t believe it’s the federal (government’s) job to reorder the education system.”

ON LEGAL GAY MARRIAGE: “Religious liberty is now trumped because … the courts have created a ‘super’ right that’s above a right that’s actually in the Constitution, and that’s of sexual liberty. And I think that’s a wrong, that’s a destructive element.”

ON FEDERAL PROGRAMS: “I would continue the federal role with Medicare. I believe that Medicaid should be sent back to the states. … Whether it’s health care, education, housing, food stamps – these programs do not need to be at the federal level.”

ON TWO-INCOME FAMILIES: “I came from a family where my mom and dad both worked. In fact, my mom made more than my dad. So I don’t have anything inherently wrong with people wanting to do that. But I will tell you that a lot of families don’t want to do that, but feel like they’re forced to do that simply to make ends meet. … One of the reasons is because of the taxes the federal government takes.”

 One issue was Santorum’s opposition to the Supreme Court’s 1965 ruling that invalidated a Connecticut law banning contraception. Santorum said he still feels that a state should be able to make such laws.
“The state has a right to do that, I have never questioned that the state has a right to do that. It is not a constitutional right, the state has the right to pass whatever statues they have.  That is the thing I have said about the activism of the Supreme Court, they are creating rights, and they should be left up to the people to decide,” he said.
“You shouldn’t create constitutional rights when states do dumb things,” Santorum said. “Let the people decide if the states are doing dumb things get rid of the legislature and replace them as opposed to creating constitutional laws that have consequences that were before them.”

ON FEDERAL PROGRAMS: “I would continue the federal role with Medicare. I believe that medicaid should be sent back to the states. … Whether it’s health care, education, housing, food stamps – these programs do not need to be at the federal level.”

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