Thursday, January 12, 2012

Video Analysis Of Babe Ruth's Swing "The Greatest Batter Of All Time"

I've noticed a number of comments on baseball sites from people who say that Babe Ruth would not have even been a decent minor league player in today's baseball. Here are two hitting analysts who use modern video techniques to stop start their illustrations on the mechanics of Ruth's hitting.

the first by the very laconic, professorial, "The Swing Mechanic" Jaime Cevallos concentrates primarily  on 
Ruth 's swing. The second analysis from "BioforceBB" concentrates more on Ruth's hip motion. Cervallos concludes that all in all Ruth "was the best batter of all time with the best swing". I am really appreciative of both these gentlemen's expertise as they illustrate the fine points of batting from the greatest batter baseball has ever seen-an an outstanding pitcher to boot.

The footage is from Ruth's 60th home run in 1927-immortal images, the ball seems to be 100 feet in the air upon leaving his bat such is the power behind the swing.

After viewing these I can't see how anyone could imagine that Ruth would not be an outstanding player in today's game-a great athlete and it is a privilege to view his talent.

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