Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Palin On CNN Video Would Consider Run In 2012/2016. (Make It 2012 Sarah Please)

From CNN's Political Ticker:
8:20 p.m. ET - Appearing on CNN after voting at a caucus site in Wasilla, Alaska, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said she hopes the Republican race continues with more debates but she would not say for whom she voted.

8:22 p.m. ET - Asked if she would consider running for president in 2016, Palin said she "would seriously consider anything I can do to help our coutnry."

"Anything in this life is possible," the former 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate said.

8:25 p.m. ET - What would she do if her name was put in contention at the Republican convention?

"Anything is possible and I don't close any doors that would perhaps be open out there," Palin said. "My plan is to be at that convention."

8:26 p.m. ET - @PaulBegala: Sarah Palin just lights up the screen, esp when @CNN asks her if she might run in 2016. How many Repubs think she'd whip this lame field?

8:29 p.m. ET - @DanaBashCNN: Wow. Sarah Palin just told CNN in Alaska shes not closing the door to jumping in if there's a brokered convention. #CNNElections

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