Thursday, April 19, 2012

M.Joseph Sheppard Post Report 04/19/12.Was Palin's Life Put In Danger By Secret Service Ogling Her Instead Of Watching Potential Attackers?

Ron Paul doing better than Romney against President Obama. Cherry picking polls but they are on the same day and when has anyone seen the supposed candidate doing worse than the written off candidate? From Real Clear Politics.

Quinnipiac   Obama 46  Romney 42 Obama +4
PPP Polling Obama 47  Paul       44 Obama +3


RCP at the above link also has President Obama comfortably ahead in Ohio and leading in Florida against Romney. If he wins either one of those two states then the election is over at 9 p.m. on election day.


Speaking of Ron Paul, according to this report his caucus strategy is rolling on-Minnesota and Washington state joined the anyone but Romney rank and file revolt and if this scuttlebutt holds true then Paul will be approaching the number of states where he has a majority of delegates (5) which will allow him to have his name put in nomination on the first ballot.

This from Conservatives4Palin:

I am just back from having lunch with a large handful of our Colorado delegates that are headed to Tampa.  It was a fascinating and VERY enlightening conversation on how everything went down. As of right now, if all our delegates show up (and they plan to) for our official primary on June 26th to vote, the state of Colorado will be giving, via winner take all, our total delegate count of 36 to Ron Paul.  Of course, we have 33 alternates too and many of those are Romney peeps so if a delegate doesn't show their spot may go to a Romney person.
The funniest part of what happened is that the delegates nominate a chair to represent them and lead them while in Tampa.  In the past, that person is ALWAYS our State GOP Chair, always.  Not this year, lol, it is a major Liberty/Tea Party leader. Our state chairman is fully in the pocket of Romney and he didn't get the spot. In fact, not a single Romney delegate got a committee head spot. Everyone was shocked and amazed (some were appalled).  So we are sending a Tea Party dominated slate of delegates led by a strong Tea Party leader to Tampa.  The leader will be the one who takes charge of any brokering that happens with Colorado's delegates.  He is a strong Paul supporter but he is also a Palin supporter.
Did the Secret Service put Palin's life in danger during the 2008 election by ogling her rather than watching out for a possible attacker?

One of the Secret Service supervisors ousted from the agency this week for their involvement in the Colombia prostitution scandal made light of his official protective work on his Facebook page, joking about a picture of himself standing watch behind Sarah Palin.
David Randall Chaney, 48, posted several shots of himself on duty in a dark suit and sunglasses, including one that shows him behind the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee during that campaign.
“I was really checking her out, if you know what i mean?” Chaney wrote in the comments section after friends had marveled at the photo. He is married and has an adult son.

On David Chaney’s Facebook page, he posted several shots of himself with Palin.
In one picture, he is wearing a dark suit and sunglasses, standing near a black vehicle behind Palin as she approaches a crowd. In the comments section next to the photo, a friend remarked that Chaney appeared to be “lurking in the shadows” behind Palin.

Another kidded that there seemed to be “real chemistry” between the two.
Chaney posted: “I was really checking her out, if you know what i mean?”
Another friend asked if one of the buttons on Palin’s lapel was emblazoned with Chaney’s face.
Chaney replied, “well if it was could you blame her, anything to satisfy a stalker.”

Palin has every right to be disgusted

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