Saturday, April 28, 2012

Palin's "Eating Dog Meat" Remark Must Have Cut Deep With Obama As He Gives a Lame Response

Here is an analysis from RedState

 However, I did catch wind of this lame attempt at humor.  He took a swipe at Sarah Palin by making light of his taste for dog meat. Apparently, he thinks Pit Bulls are “delicious,” or something.
The joke went over like a lead balloon. Even Michelle Obama looked perplexed by it. Here’s another gem from his speech as reported by Politico.
“As my stepfather always told me, ‘It’s a boy-eat-dog world out there.’”
His campaign is clearly worried about the buzz around his dog eating past. I don’t think this will help make the story go away, and I suspect his speechwriter will be looking for another job on Monday.
Here’s the clip of the “Pit Bulls are delicious” remark.

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