Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Post-Santorum Analysis From Stacy McCain The Right Has Been Waiting For

I have been checking in at R.S. McCain's "The Other McCain" site almost every time my site shows his site has been updated. Not that I am so taken with every word that issues for the redoubtable Stacy, and his off-sider Smitty (whose clever post-Santorum summing up in a tweet says volumes) as good as most posts there are, rather I was fascinated to see what he would say now that Romney looks to be the nominee.

McCain has been a strong supporter of Cain, and an even stronger supporter of Santorum as anyone who has read his "gonzo" journalism campaign reports would recognize. Given how influential his reporting is, I was very keen to see his attitude to Romney going forwards. After the metaphorical tears, and regrets, and sighs after what might have been, including a "diplomatic posting to Vanuatu" McCain got stuck into the meat of the issue.

McCain had indicated earlier that if it came down to Gingrich or Romney he would support Mitt. It appears that that formula is still intact and basically, since Romney is the nominee, then from what I read McCain will vote for Romney but will not be actively supporting him via his journalism. 

It seems to me that McCain has taken the Palin ABO route. That has its positive points, the next Supreme Court nominations being the most prominent one I can think of, beyond the hyperbole from some quarters that "there won't be a republic in 2016 if Obama is re-elected."

I respect McCain's loyalty to party, and I believe Palin would be doing the sensible thing by campaigning for Romney as, if she didn't, her future as a possible Republican candidate would be destroyed. It is clear she has no time for him, but loyalty to party during the actual election campaign is a must for anyone with further ambitions. 

McCain takes the same tack that I have I believe, in that he has girded his loins for the day of reckoning on November 7th, and gives the obvious reasons why this day will surely come.

We differ in that I will never vote for Romney-even if Palin was his VP. I too agree with the November 7th scenario, but am not waiting till then and have commenced a "Palin4 President 2106" forum site AT THIS LINK now so like minded folks can consider their forward activism in a RINO/Beltway rid GOP.

Here is an extract from McCain's column which covers the salient points I believe, but by all means read it in full 
AT THIS LINK and go to his Spectator column which he links to, and whilst you are enjoying all the insight and entertainment hit his tip jar.

Yesterday, after Rick Santorum quit, my 13-year-old son Jefferson asked, “Does this mean I have to stop bad-mouthing Mitt Romney?”
“Yeah,” I said. “It doesn’t mean you have to start good-mouthing him, but you have to stop bad-mouthing him.”
Then I went on to explain that, having been saddled with a nominee whom we had opposed with all our might, we cannot be held responsible for the inevitable disaster. Therefore, on Wednesday, Nov. 7, we will be ready to demand an accounting from those responsible.
Could I be wrong? Is there actually a chance that Mitt could win? This is a possibility that must be considered, at least as a hypothetical.
In a few weeks, when I’m covering the general election campaign, I’m going to have to try to convince myself that this is not an absurd exercise in political futility, that “President Romney” is actually within the realm of the possible, and that a Romney administration might conceivably accomplish something meaningful for the preservation of the American Republic. It is nonetheless important to emphasize that today — April 11, 2012 — I am overwhelmed by a bone-deep certainty that those who actually believe such things are fools, who are wasting their time and efforts, and now asking us to waste ours, too.
Then, when it’s all over, and people ask me, “What went wrong?” I’ll point them back to this post and say, “It was do0med from the outset.”
Let me explain why this matters: Success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan. On Nov. 7, if Obama is re-elected, the people actually responsible for this — the Republican Establishment, which now obviously includes certain people at Fox News, both on-camera and behind the scenes – will be looking to evade responsibility. They’ll be hunting for scapegoats and, just as they scapegoated Sarah Palin for the defeat in 2008, they will blame conservatives for what went wrong.
Having warned you in advance of what lies ahead, it is now my professional obligation as a Neutral Objective Journalist to begin forgetting this. “Punch a big hatpin through my frontal lobes,” as Hunter S. Thompson once phrased it, and pretend that I don’t know what I know.
What I know is this: As of this date, April 11, Mitt Romney has received just 40.7 percent of the GOP primary vote:
Mitt Romney ……… 4,595,908 (40.7%)
Rick Santorum …… 3,209,301 (28.3%)
Newt Gingrich ……. 2,284,557 (20.4%)
Ron Paul ……………. 1,191,026 (10.6%)

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