Monday, April 2, 2012

San Francisco Newspaper Compares Palin's Today Hosting To "Prostitution" leftists Sink Into Sewer

The disgusting leftist media, as typified by its California arm has sunk to levels worthy of the kindergarden.In a political comment column at the San Francisco Chronicle which is headed with its bias showing proudly the excerpt below from one Carla Marinucci takes journalism right into the sewer.

The article appears to compare the hiring of Sarah Palin as a guest host on the Today show as akin to prostitution. It also says that her hiring "raises ethical questions" because, and the logic escapes me,"she is a regular subject of news coverage' which appears to "raise eyebrows".  This is a ludicrous comment,where has it ever been a matter of "ethics' for someone who is in the news to be allowed to be a commentator-only in the fevered, Palin diseased leftist minds.

The whole example of incredible media bias, leftist distortion and a new low for leftists gutter journalism is, sadly, AT THIS LINK

"A new low for TV journalism? Sarah Palin joins the “liberal media elite” co-hosting “Today”

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who has spent much of her political career bashing the “liberal media elite,” has apparently been lured to join their ranks — and will co-host NBC’s “Today” show Tuesday.
The mind-boggling move by NBC producers to hire Palin, a former vice presidential candidate who’s still pushing her SarahPAC through fundraising — and who is a regular subject of network news coverage — has raised eyebrows and some ethical questions.
Or, as SFSU journalism professor emeritus Len Sellers a vanguard in online and new media journalism — says of NBC’s move: “At least in Nevada, prostitution is legal.”

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