Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Santorum (2012's Huckabee) Clears The Way For Palin 2016 After RINO/Beltway Purge

Posted at "Palin4President 2016"

Just as Mike Huckabee was the surprise Christian conservative early challenger to the GOP's centrist candidates (McCain/Romney) in 2008 so has been the challenge of Rick Santorum.

McCain was only rescued from an ignominious defeat by the addition of Sarah Palin to his previously moribund ticket and,despite leftist propaganda to the contrary she not only energized his campaign but he garnered more support after he addition (see THIS LINK).

This time around the scenario is much the same with Santorum not having the resources to effectively compete against Romney's mega-millions and it appears that the GOP will have the ultimate RINO to follow in the Dole/Bush1 in campaign 2/McCain tradition. I expect the result to be, barring an economic collapse, no different.

That's fine. Four years will pass, the Republic, which has withstood wars and depressions, will survive a second, neutered Obama term. What matters is, with the decks cleared, how things will pan out for 2016.

With Romney presumably gone, the addition of even Santorum to his ticket would hardly make up for the loss of conservatives who will not support him because of his Mormon religion and/or because of his liberal history the way will, finally, be cleared for a genuine, faith based, economic realist conservative.

I have to agree with (although not his sarcastic language) Jonathan Chait that it will not be Santorum who fought a game fight but seems to be lacking the common touch that Palin has;

"Santorum’s success was entirely the function of his being a Republican not named Romney who happened to be there when every other alternative had either been destroyed by Romney’s money or collapsed on its own. It is truly rare for a campaign to feature both a wildly vulnerable front-runner and a long list of candidates who could probably have the nomination but chose not to run. In 2016 (or 2020, if Romney wins) one of them — Mitch Daniels, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, or someone else with political talent — will be on the ballot. The notion that Santorum might position himself as next in line is comical."

Chait at the liberal New York Magazine is already touting more centrists for 2016 e.g. Daniel's/Christie and their ilk, but the chance of the rank and file turning to yet another centrist would be minimal after two losses in a row, neither would there be a realistic persuasive argument for such a disaster.

The putative conservatives Ryan and Rubio who are also being touted have tied their ship to the Romney tug and will have a difficult time casting that soon to be wreck adrift from the rank and files collective memory.

Santorum's leaving the fray is very good news for the GOP which will, after November, purge itself of the RINO /country club/establishment/Beltway element being in control and the door will be fully open for Palin to run should she so choose.

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