Friday, May 11, 2012

Top Tweets From Palin's SALT Conference Address

Palin:Hillary was a better candidate than Obama, says Hillary understands private sector, credits balanced Clinton budget
While  partied with  Hypocrites; was speaking on geopolitical events & macro economic trends
RT  Palin: "we will be just fine if we wrap our arms around American exceptionalism" 
RT : Palin at : I have no social life outside of family - just hunting and fishing and running.
Palin at : Tea party has redefined American politics - "just follow the constitution!" - "it has only just begun"
Palin: "I don't want to keep slamming the media, but I will."
"You are the unsung heroes of American greatness...our prosperity depends on you" - Palin at 
Palin compares Titanic to out of control US spending - "there is no such thing as an unsinkable ship or too big to fail" at 
SARAH PALIN TELLS HEDGE FUND CONFERENCE: 'Hello one percent! More power to ya!': Sarah Palin at  : "Hel...
Palin at : politicians in Alaska liked to tie pork to public safety and make it "for the children" - I said no to cut spending
Palin boosts domestic energy production - "why would anyone oppose this?" - at 
Stop it, no way RT : OMG RT : Sarah Palin at : "Hello one percent! More power to ya!" 

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