Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Banks Now Pharmaceuticals The World Is A Sinkhole Of Corruption

There are no overarching values in the world anymore.

Within days of each other a major pharmaceutical firm, then the British banking system is shown to be utterly corrupt, with Barclay's deceiving its clients and the government, being the tip of the iceberg in the banking system "banksters' as they are now called.

What was one of Britian's oldest and most respected pharmaceutical firms, the old Beecham's which merged and merged again to now be GlaxoSmithKline
is hit with $3 billion in fines for a litany of gross claims. I won't go into the details, as it is too depressing, rather the main charges are detailed below.

Governments deceive, create money from nothing and increase debt, markets are manipulated, an attorney general is held in contempt of congress, American cities are filing for bankruptcy. 

The moral and religious underpinning of society, especially the family unit are undermined, lampooned and Hollywood values are held up to be societal norms and aspirational.

When a politician appears like Sarah Palin who espouses the traditional religious values and economic common sense all the forces from hell are unleashed against her and her family. 

Instead Americans are given a choice between politicians who are backed by the same forces in Wall Street. Who are in the current race, progenitor and inheritor of the governments health care, which has made non-compliance a "taxation" matter.

There are many conservatives who feel it is their duty to vote for Romney and that is their right of course. As for me, I think it will not matter as if Romney loses, as I expect, it may be the last chance to reverse the horrific path society is on. 

A second Obama term, with the coming economic malaise could give the opportunity for a new Reagan in 2016, whether Palin or a "Palin". If Romney's defeat is so large that the establishment can't blame it on the Tea Party then it hardly seems possible that the 2016 nominee will be another McCain/Romney. 

If Romney wins and the economy does not turn around then who knows what the 2016 scenario will be-a sure to lose Romney running against an even further left Democratic nominee? that is a scenario too depressing to contemplate.

Conservatives have an awesome responsibility in 2016 and it will take every cent, every ounce of stamina, every sacrifice that can be mustered to restore the values of faith flag and family. To give back the names banker or businessman or congressman or Reverend the honor they once had. In the meantime it will be a long, saddening and frankly dispiriting four years tempered only by the hope that change can come.

Here is the banking industry which has made the name banker synonymous with gangster

Britain's biggest banks face the threat of a criminal investigation over the rate-rigging scandal that could cost the industry billions of pounds.
The Treasury starts to look at strengthening criminal sanctions for those responsible for market abuse.
After fining Barclays, the FSA is investigating several other lenders including HSBC and taxpayer-backed Royal Bank of Scotland.
Serious Fraud Office investigators are in talks with the FSA over the scandal while pressure is mounting on Mr Diamond to stand down.
Here is the pharmaceutical industry in this time of corruption. 

GlaxoSmithKline has been socked with US$3 billion in fines by US authorities over charges it marketed drugs for unauthorised uses, held back safety data and cheated the government's Medicaid program.
The Justice Department said GSK was fined over misbranding its drugs Paxil and Wellbutrin, and for holding back data while making unbacked claims for its diabetes drug Avandia.
GSK pleaded guilty and agreed to the fines in what the department called the largest health care fraud settlement in US history.
GSK, one of the world's largest health care and pharmaceuticals companies, admitted to charges that it had promoted antidepressants Paxil and Wellbutrin for uses not approved for by US regulators, including treatment of children and adolescents.
The British drugmaker also conceded charges that it held back data and made unsupported safety claims over its diabetes drug Avandia.
Altogether it will pay $1 billion in criminal fines and forfeitures over charges relating to the three drugs.
fines for illegal promotion of those drugs as well as others; paying kickbacks in their marketing; and making unsubstantiated claims about Avandia's safety and efficacy.

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