Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Poll: If GOP Runs A Centrist For President In 2016 Would You Vote For A Conservative Third Party

Reading the comments at Breitbart in respect of the article "The Civil War Has Begun"
AT THIS LINK it would appear that there is an irreconcilable rift in the Republican Party. It is not the vehemence of the comments which oppose the Karl Rove wing that impresses, but rather, the vehemence of those who support him and the GOP establishment.

This article and the ensuing comments are not of course the only indication of a major split. There  have many many such outpourings since the election, and it could, fairly, be said that when a party loses, especially when so many thought they were going to win, there is a period of disquietude-if not outright rancour.

What makes this time different is that many in the rank and file-the Tea Party supporters especially feel that they were good soldiers and, in many instances, held their noses and voted for the second establishment "electable moderate" in a row. That the candidate not only lost, but has disappeared, adds to the feeling that the ranka nd file are just ciphers to be used and abused and discarded. That appears to have been the last straw and time that they will accept such ignominy.

I have put a simple poll in this post " If the GOP nominates another centrist in 2016 would you support a conservative third party? What is implied in the poll wording is "If the Republicans run another centrist moderate against the will of the rank and file as determined by collective votes in the 2016 primary campaigns, would you support the creation of and vote for a genuinely conservative third party"
Poll: If GOP Runs A Centrist For President In 2016 Would You Vote For A Conservative Third Party free polls 

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