Sunday, March 10, 2013

Jeb Bush On Undocumented Immigrants Citizenship.Can Someone Translate These Quotes into English Please?


I wonder if anyone can translate this into English? I have read it a few times and struggle with it.

"WASHINGTON -- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) made the rounds on nearly all of this week's Sunday morning talk shows as he defended his apparent flip-flop on his position on a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
Bush, who is pitching his new book, "Immigration Wars," was a guest on five shows: NBC's "Meet the Press," ABC's "This Week," CBS' "Face the Nation," "Fox News Sunday" and CNN's "State of the Union." On at least two of those shows, he was pressed on the fact that he states in his book that undocumented immigrants should not be eligible for a path to citizenship and that the issue should not be part of comprehensive immigration reform. Bush stunned many observers with that position, particularly since he has previously backed a pathway to citizenship.
"Well first of all, I haven't changed," Bush said on "Face the Nation." "The book was written to try to create a blueprint for conservatives that were reluctant to embrace comprehensive reform, to give them perhaps a set of views that they could embrace. I support a path to legalization or citizenship so long as the path for people that have been waiting patiently is easier and costs less -- the legal entrance to our country -- than illegal entrance."
Bush emphasized that his book was written last year, at a time when the immigration debate "was dramatically different" and when many people may have believed in comprehensive immigration reform but were not publicly supportive of it."

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