Sunday, March 3, 2013

Lech Walesa;"A (Gay) minority should not impose itself on the majority" Hollywood/Leftist Journalists Take Note

Polish hero of the battle against communism and former President Lech Walesa spoke his mind, as is his wont, regarding gays in Polish life with a particular reference to political and social influence.

Walesa speaks bluntly which
no doubt comes from his working class background, and the struggles he has fought but that does not in any way invalidate the social concern he expresses in his own way.

Yahoo described Walesa comments with shock/horror type headlines in a report from the Associated Press (which runs anti-Palin headlines as a matter of course) ;

"Lech Walesa shocks Poland with anti-gay words"

Here is a what Walesa said in part, the whole article is AT THIS LINK

"They have to know that they are a minority and must adjust to smaller things. And not rise to the greatest heights, the greatest hours, the greatest provocations, spoiling things for the others and taking (what they want) from the majority," he told the private broadcaster TVN during a discussion of gay rights. "I don't agree to this and I will never agree to it."

"A minority should not impose itself on the majority," Walesa said.

Perhaps surprisingly the comment section has many supportive remarks-basically allowing for Walesa right to speak his mind. There was one sage comment which advised that the same free press that walesa made free, with the right to be as leftist as they wish, is attacking him.
Walesa is not saying that gays should have no rights, which would be preposterous. What he is saying is that they, as a minority , do not have the absolute tight to impose their point of view on society. 

This, his viewpoint is one I mirrored in respect of leftist Hollywood and the leftist media doing exactly that through their power of creating television programs and movies setting out what is a minority situation as "the new normal".

Here is an article I wrote on the subject when the Academy Awards were due, which I believe Walesa's comments validate


The kids are not all right.

Once again the denizens of Hollywood are using their unique propaganda tool, the Academy Awards, in the aid of their warped social philosophy.

It is a fair assumption, one only has to peruse the cover of  a gossip magazine, that a higher proportion of neurotics,drug users, out and out societal misfits, and the just plain mad who compose a proportion of the entertainment industry in numbers well  above the national average, will be gathered together on awards night.

On top of their collective neuroses, and surely actors by their very profession are subject to various manifestations of eccentricity, they have, through the massive reach of their medium, enormous power, wealth and great influence on the average person.

Thus what just a few years ago would have been considered a gross perversion, if not illegal and generally not even possible, same sex couples adopting, or creating via the loving mechanics of a turkey baster, babies.

High profile entertainment industry types, can, through their wealth and media power, undertake actions which if a normal person attempted it they would be castigated or even arrested for breaking societies taboos. Over the years we have seen these structures of society attacked and then broken and then made commonplace by actors.

At one time, not too long ago for a couple, heterosexual that is, gays would have been unthinkable, to live together openly in a sexual relationship would have been impossible,especially if children were involved.
Then major "stars" started doing so, the radical communist Vanessa Redgrave springs to mind as an example.

Shock horror newspaper headlines followed, then the glossies started to make it "interesting' and shortly after it became "normal" irrespective of what example it set for society and the effect it would have on children of such relationships. Of course such unstable relationships composed of unstable people break up one after another with untold harm on the innocents who are caught up in such horrors.

That aspect of normal society undermined the next attack,Gay and lesbian same sex relationships adopting children hove into view. Again, the unthinkable becomes,via the wealth,"prestige", and power of entertainment types perfectly acceptable to society. Elton John and partner adopts, how is it possible for men of their age in the first place to adopt an infant? Cynthia Nixon's "fiancee' gives birth amongst recent examples.

There are no long term studies on how children who grow up in these unnatural parenting relationships adjust in society.What sort of difficulties to they encounter at school amongst their peers? Do the have trouble establishing an heterosexual relationship? 

What effect will this have on population trends amongst Western nations and if they decline what will be the economic effects and the social effects as more third world labor is needed to take up the slack?

Hollywood doesn't care-all the denizens care about is satisfying their ego's, carnal nature and their hedonism "Cocaine is God's way of telling you you have too much money" Robin Williams is quoted as saying, Lohan, Sheen-well the list of examples is endless. Now having children has become their latest status symbol. It started with the adopting out of Africa craze and now has spread to same sex couples.

There are no barriers to satisfying their needs for those in the entertainment industry. Same sex parenting a no no? The propaganda machine starts. The first foray was The Birdcage with lovable characters, then "The kids are all right" whose premise is " look we lesbian parent couples are not weird, we have all the "normal" family problems and squabbles just like everyone else so our parenting is "normal"-just like everyone else.

Society has accepted that same sex couples can and should they wish live in a relationship protected by law-it is called a civil union. Where the public has had the opportunity to vote on the matter, even in ultra-liberal California, they have rejected same sex "marriage." 

Perhaps same sex parenting should also be put to the popular will, which is after all society itself, because if same sex marriage is not acceptable then perhaps same sex parenting which has the potential to inflict much psychic damage, is too important to leave to the propaganda mill that will be on show at the Academy Awards.

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