Thursday, March 14, 2013

The New Pope Provides Historic Solution To GOP's "Hispanic Problem"

The historic election of Argentinian Cardinal Bergoglio   as Pope Francis provides a new beginning in a multitude of ways including a most unexpected one for American politics. 

The GOP has, in the example of Pope Francis, a magnificent example to outreach to the Hispanic community which outreach will have the ancillary effect of of overcoming the so called "Hispanic deficit' vis a vis the Democratic party.

Although the fact that Hispanic voters chose President Obama over Mitt Romney in a significant proportion that may not necessarily have cost Romney the election, as even if Romney had won Florida he still would have lost in the Electoral College, there is no question that given the increasing Hispanic demographic an outreach is required. 

More than that it is the right thing to do to make the tent bigger by the method of inclusiveness and basic human love.

With senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio and Governor Susana Martinez amongst others the GOP can rightly and proudly point to Hispanics holding positions of great significance in the party-to the point of the aforementioned trio being possible presidential candidates in 2016. 

It would also be expected that whoever the 2016 nominee is he or she would not run a campaign of perceived elitism that attached itself to Romney (who now admits his "47% remarks did him significant damage).

With senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio and Governor Susana Martinez amongst others the GOP can rightly and proudly point to Hispanics holding positions of great significance in the party-to the point of the aforementioned trio being possible presidential candidates in 2016. 

In addition to this visibility of prominent Hispanics and a changed message through a perceived "person of the people' candidate the GOP's traditional message of traditional, conservative social values have a shining example to point to in the historic election of the first Hispanic Pope from Latin America.

Pope Francis' values are in many aspects, especially right to life of course, conservative Republican values.
If the GOP candidate reinforces this message in 2016 it would give an unprecedented opportunity to reach out to the Hispanic communities values and, importantly their justifiable pride in having one of their own as Pope. 

Any combination of a  Palin/Rubio or Palin/Cruz or, even more dramatically a Palin/Martinez ticket would reinforce this pride to the button bursting level.

Further, the left's, from the likes of Taylor Marsh to Gawker and etc etc denigration of the new Pope shows an anti-Catholic, social bias which makes it not worthy of the Hispanic, or in fact, any Catholic's vote.

The message to the Hispanic community is, in essence, "your social, economic and moral values as personified by your Pope are our values, if you wish to see them reproduced in the policy area then support the Republican party, which is the party of Hispanic candidates, in the presidential election". 

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