Friday, April 12, 2013

The Horror Of Gosnell Is Too Much To Consider In One Thought-Here's My Train Of Thought As I Try To Deal With It

  1. that arg won't wash. operated openly. Everyone knew he was performing abortions.

  2. Can't shake the feeling that the Gosnell situation crossed some redline in God's cosmos. Brace for impact.

  1. AlanColmes Liberaland blames"Ianti-abortion legislators had given women more options,Gosnell wouldn't have done as much business"

  2. Obama approves of partial birth: killing an infant by cutting into the neck & sucking out the brains. What kind of man thinks that's OK?

Alan Colmes on -what a guy! "If anti-abortion legislators had given women more options,Gosnell wouldn't have done as much business"

  • Daily Kos strangely silent over Kos Moulitsas tweeted "Mission acconmplished Sarah Palin over Gifford's,but genocide-nothing to say

  • Hillary dead-ender Taylor Marsh finds way to make about pro-life supporters threat to women. Astounding.

  • Taylor Marsh finds is about conservatives esp. Cuccinelli "If extremist Ken Cuccinelli have their way, more women put in danger"

  • Sarah Palin thanks Democrat Kirsten Powers 4 bringing attention to (now trending on Twitter)

  • Weigel at Slate re: Gosnell : Maybe it's not a raw political story. It's just the story of a potential mass murderer"

  • Conservatives should publicise leftists who publicise Gosnell-even Weigel " Social conservatives are largely right about the Gosnell story".

  • Beyond political differences/his Palin hate Andrew Sullivan right on Gosnell/late term abortion: Issue above politics

  • Alan Colmes on -what a guy! "If anti-abortion legislators had given women more options,Gosnell wouldn’t have done as much business"

    As a non-Catholic conservative I agree with Palin's abortion stance.Also consider "late term abortion" abomination equal to Nazism/eugenics

  • I defy an leftist to read Gosnell "late term abortion" (i.e. murder) testimony and still agree with the "practice"

  • Kirsten Powers "You don't have to oppose abortion rights to find late-term abortion abhorrent".I find it beyond abhorrent-inhuman is word.
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