Sunday, April 28, 2013

Truman's "Salty Language," Beloved By Left. Palin Re; WHCD Is However "UnPresidential"

Here is Sarah Palin on the White House Correspondents  Dinner which comment the hypocritical left seized on as 
"unpresidential." And... by the way, "The Vice President of the United States, Joe Biden: "It's a big F*^#ing deal."

That was pathetic. The rest of America is out there working our asses off while these DC assclowns throw themselves a

Here is Wiki says about Democrat President Harry S. Truman. 

"On a personal note, he was never presidential nor refined. He pretty much said whatever came to his mind and often said it in salty language. For example , he once wrote a letter to a critic who had given a negative review of his daughter's singing and said something to the effect that the critic would need a new nose if they ever met."

Here below is President Truman's Daughter Margaret Truman reflecting on her father's personality. For leftists this "salty language" and love of the "rough and tumble of politics" is wonderful, as was his "Missouri twang".

But let Palin have an Alaskan accent use creative sometimes "salty " words and engage in hard hitting rough and tumble against Democrats and she is "un-presidential"

That is classic Alinskyite and Wonkette-ite tactics but fools nobody except low information naive leftists.

Indeed, he was supremely confident of his own judgment. He acted boldly, and decisively. Once he made a decision, he forgot about it and went on to something else. He was earnest, incorruptible, and blunt in speech. Like Andrew Jackson, he was notorious for his explosive temper and salty language. To some it was refreshing to see a president honest enough to blow off steam in public. It disturbed others, like David Lilienthal, chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, who worried that his temper might set off World War III. Although irascible, Truman was not moody or prone to depression. He thrived on the rough and tumble of politics. “If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen,” was his much-heralded philosophy. Truman delivered prepared addresses poorly in a flat voice marked by a distinct Missouri twang. But out on the stump, he fired up crowds with off-the-cuff speeches, characteristically of simple, straightforward sentences.

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