Monday, June 24, 2013

A Once In A Generation Singer/Songwriter/Poet/Musician/Author-An Outstanding New Talent In Debut CD.

To listen to the lyrical soundscape of music and poetry that this amazing début album brings (the image below does not provide the tracks only the link does) 


Listeners will be hugely rewarded by the depth of poetical imagery allied to a cascading flow of melodic interplay. This melodic festival runs the gamut from folk to electronica to pop to, in the case of the stunning "Who Can I Turn To" a new classic which will have young ladies swooning.

Nicholas plays every instrument, wrote every song and sings all tracks a tour de force unseen since, perhaps, the debut album of Bob Dylan who he resembles in his command of wordsmithing.

"An outstanding debut"

If further evidence were required of this man's extraordinary  "Renaissance Man" capabilities
he is an author of note with three books on subjects ranging from human trafficking to rugby 
currently available (LINK)
The Sunken Cathedral (A human trafficking novel)

The Sunken Cathedral (A human trafficking novel)[Kindle Edition]

Nicholas Sheppard 

Digital List Price:$2.99 What's this? 
Kindle Price:$2.99 includes free international wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet

Book Description

 October 27, 2011
Lilya, a young girl from a derelict district in Moldova, and Makena, living with her mother in an impoverished part of Nairobi, are lured into human trafficking rings, and forced into prostitution amidst the dazzle and congestion of Soho, London. Exploited, unrecognized without the official documents their minders have stolen, they endure suffering they could never have imagined; but when they meet, they form a special bond, find imaginative ways to cope, and dream of regaining their freedom.
The Sunken Cathedral explores the darker side of globalization, multiculturalism and economic migration; the perceptions of the West towards foreigners, and of foreigners towards the West. It gives expression to the horrors of sexual slavery and exploitation, and the courage of the young women who endure it, by focusing on the humanity and courage, and above all the unique inner-lives of two girls, out of the thousands embarking on journeys into hell every day.

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