Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Dollar Post

UPDATE:I received a $5.00 donation but it was from a tainted source so I returned it. I noted that the donor has a seemingly insatiable need for alcohol and tobacco and feel a bit guilty in enabling that addiction but still...ethics disallow my accepting such money.

I have $9.35 in my Paypal account from past donations (totalling about $30 in five years-this is not done for a living obviously-but that's not the point. Paypal advise they won't release an amount under $10.00

If you find this site of interest please make a donation (the buttons are on the top of this page) of $1.00.

It's a matter of principle-I would rather the tiny amount be transferred rather than be part of a massive accumulation sitting in Paypal's account earning them huge interest income for nothing.

This post stays up until I get one dollar so if you are interested in this vibrant commentary site that's what it will cost to resume normal service.


 MJ Sheppard

Posted also at palin4president2016-to chase down the one dollar

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