Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ann Coulter Doesn't Want Congressman/Senator/Inspirational Leader"For 2016. Betting Site Has The Nominee Here

Here's a comment from the "Conservatives4Palin" website regarding Ann Coulter's views, in an interview on Fox, on the 2016 presidential election and specifically what sort of person should not be the candidate for the GOP.

"Coulter's absolutely incoherent. She insists (on Hannity) that conservatism always wins but doesn't want RINO's primaried. She just WON'T back off Mitten being the greatest candidate ever and, with a broken heart, has to back away from Christie over Amnesty and only Amnesty.

Took two potshots at Sarah--1 that "We have to understand that our next candidate isn't going to be a congressman, senator or inspirational leader" (the last was aimed at Sarah) and considers O'Donnell the only takeaway from 10."

Now if we look at the list of potential candidates being touted at the major betting site "Paddy Power" (and remember this is real people putting their own money down, not just blog opinion) Coulter's comments makes for a fascinating exegesis.

If we follow Coulter's advice we can eliminate Congressmen Paul Ryan and Eric Cantor and Michele Bachmann for a start. Schwarzenegger is definitely not a natural American citizen so he goes too. The following senator's are out; Rubio/Paul/Cruz/Portman.

Retiree Ron Paul is out of politics and it can be safely assumed that retiring Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell is also out. Newt Gingrich has been put on Coulter's "not looking out for the future of the GOP" list (along with Akin, Liz Cheney and Mark Sanford) so he is out.

By "inspirational leader" one can also safely assume Coulter would include Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee.
Whatever category they may be put in one is safe to advise that Jon Huntsman  Michael Bloomberg, David Petraeus (scandal) and Condoleeza Rice (Bush wars) have zero chance of being the nominee.

On the not-eliminated but lightening would have to strike list are, surely, Rick Santorum, Donald Trump and her pick for 2012 Mitt Romney.

So, lacking a suitable armed forces officer and secretary of state, it appears that a governor is required to suit Coulter's advice. Who might that be?  Not Chris Christie for a start-he is on Coulter's proscribed list (after being her first choice originally for 2012). Thus these appear to be suitable (with her 2012 VP pick now former Arizona senator Jon Kyl as running mate);

Bobby Jindal
Scott Walker
Susana Martinez

One name is missing so far and that is Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and with his name added,
to my reading of Coulter's comments, the GOP could do far worse than to choose amongst them-and even better if Governor Palin was added to the final list.

"Coulter's absolutely incoherent. She insists (on Hannity) that conservatism always wins but doesn't want RINO's primaried. She just WON'T back off Mitten being the greatest candidate ever and, with a broken heart, has to back away from Christie over Amnesty and only Amnesty.
Took two potshots at Sarah--1 that "We have to understand that our next candidate isn't going to be a congressman, senator or inspirational leader" (the last was aimed at Sarah) and considers O'Donnell the only takeaway from 10."

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