Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sarah Palin Act 2; Ready For Hillary

Sarah Palin Act 2

It would of course be absolutely correct to advise that "Sarah Palin Act 2" would be a well out date topic given her numerous "rebirths" since 2008-taking her vice-presidential nomination as an arbitrary starting point. 

Her resignation as Governor of Alaska, rebirth as a television "reality show" star, media pundit, then a bus tour media frenzy possible presidential run, Fox pundit, ex-Fox pundit, Fox pundit again and various other manifestations of Palin activity can all be assigned as Acts 2 through-well the number would be arbitrary and anyone's guess.

However, a constant running through all these activities and media speculations was that the personality, or rather persona of Sarah Palin who rocked the political world to its foundations at the Republican convention in 2008, was basically the same from then till now. 

Certainly there were low moments where the basic, almost impenetrably bounciness that friend and foe alike have come to know as "Sarah Palin" seemed to lose a little of its normally 1000 watt brightness but for the most part the sunny uplands that was the visage and aura of Palin remained pretty much the same.

Until her address at The Western Conservative Summit meeting in Denver

The absolutely correctly appellated "Virginia Gentleman" a stalwart of the long term Palin support site "Conservatives4Palin" commented, in his unique manner, on her address " Watch the fire in her eyes. The firm and purposeful set of her jaw. The supremely confident body language. You are looking at the woman who will be POTUS45."  

Such near hagiography is understandable from long term supporters, and finds its expression from amongst those who are emotionally and, it is fair to say, spiritually dedicated to advancing the cause of Governor Palin. 

But, even if such strength of feeling is distilled from the particular event which gave rise to it, I believe even a dispassionate observer, in fact it would be, perhaps, not going to  far to say that even a political enemy, would see that something has happened to the previously well known personality.

What ever number of "acts' on the political, media or what ever else level eventuate, they will be happening under "Act two" of a new Palin persona. "Virginiana Gentleman" is correct, what was shown in Denver was a gravitas not seen heretofore. 

Certainly a vigorous Palin, an angry Palin, has been on display during speeches and interviews but the basic imperturbable person was not far below the surface and soon bounced back, usually preceded by a quip or a take down.

What was noticeable was that even with, what is normal for a speaker, Palin's opening light hearted remark seemed almost throwaway rather than given with the bounciness that such remarks usually were made with. 

Anyone who was at the speech, or who watched it on video, would have noted a clear change of mood from many previous address that I can recall. Here was a sober,(but certainly not sombre) sharp witted, at times caustic with a sabre-not the wooden sword of past speeches Palin.

This Palin, if asked by Charlie Gibson what her attitude to "the Bush doctrine" was would have said not "in what respect Charlie" but "Mr. Gibson you and perhaps 1% of Americans would be the only people with a clue as to what the purported :Bush doctrine is but I'll answer your question anyway." 

This "Act 2 " Palin would have dismissed Couric as a buffoon and her other media critics as hardly worth considering. Most importantly, the Palin on display in Denver would be, at least, an equal for Hillary Clinton.

"Virginia gentleman" went on to say "she is on war footing and is not taking prisoners. I rather expected that she would take Obama to the woodshed and beat him bloody and I wasn't disappointed. She flayed the skin off of him! " One wonders how long President  Obama can take being beaten up verbally by Palin like this, especially as his media sycophants are deserting him one by one but if he does respond the new Palin will be ready as she was with her reply to Eric Holder in Denver.

 Is Palin Act 2 on display in Denver the first real indication of a 2016 run? If it is it would be enough by itself to put  fear into the other potential candidates. This is indeed a formidable, tempered and tough politician and the media should take note,treat her with respect due to her station amongst the rank and file or they will, as in 2008, be left at the starting gate with dust and egg on their collective faces.

"Virginia Gentleman's" full review of Governor Palin's speech can be  found at this LINK
And Governor Palin's Denver Address at this LINK

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