Friday, January 23, 2015

10 Signs And Portents Gov.Palin Presidential Run-Inescapable Conclusion?

#12 From Gov.Palin's Facebook page-pretty much seals the deal?

Iowa Freedom Summit:"Take that sign off the Oval Office, no women allowed".

#11. The 2008 key people are still in place plus some new advisers of note:

(Costa Reports Washington Post)
"Palin arrived in Iowa Friday alongside Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), one of her closest political allies, and Jason Recher, one of Palin’s longtime political advisers."

Which elicited this comment

"Jason Recher, FP expert who helped prep Sarah Palin for VP debates in 2008. Hmmm, seems like she has retained a few key people in her circles"


Her Mother, Sally Heath, clearly wants her to run (unlike Jeb's Mother who said no then possibly and Mitts wife who seems against the idea). For Mrs. heath to post this so near to the "declaring season" surely must have some family background. 

If not, then psychologically as Governor Palin weighs everything up knowing that she has family support is a tick in the "run" box. For Governor Palin to post it in her widely followed Facebook page is something.if she had not posted it that woudl be something else.

Ha! Believe it or not I received this from... my mom!


 Palin's schedule for January includes Iowa this week at what is considered the first"cattle call' for prospective 2016 candidates. Palin will be the headliner

Iowa! Can't wait to be back next weekend. We looked back at pictures of our many fun, diverse adventures in the Hawkeye State over the years and wanted to share some here. 

Thank you to Citizens United and your courageous, selfless Congressman Steve King for putting together this awesome Freedom Summit. I look forward to joining you and our new and old Iowa friends to forge the future path – bright and successful – of our party and more importantly our country! If you can't make it to Iowa, you can watch the Freedom Summit live here:


 A serious grassroots campaign group "The Earthquake Group" (The Political Earthquake PAC) has set up a website at Facebook is fundraising and has put up a significant billboards for Governor Palin's Iowa visit. 

The website for the Political EarthquakePAC is website with information about Sarah is

Would they do this without some indication, from somewhere, that their efforts will not be in vain? Either way, the fact that grassroots organizations are in place or ready to go might be taken on board by Palin as she look s to the immediate future.


The key primary Palmetto state South Carolina received a lot of Palin's attention.

And although she couldn't' make the Tea Party event in Myrtle Beach South Carolina she made a highly professional video which was shown there and she indicated she will be in the state

"Sold Out in South Carolina! Overflow crowds of independent tea party Americans packed Myrtle Beach, SC today to gather, prepare and look forward to 2016. Thank you to the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition for your invite. I bet it was much warmer there than it was here in Alaska! Congratulations on a great convention and I hope to see you soon!
- Sarah Palin "


 Governor Palin's immediate schedule allows for venues where a momentous announcement could be made. At the very least, at the end of this immediate schedule, her profile will be even higher than it is now(which seems hardly possible given the massive media interest in her visit to Las Vegas)

especially after her address to Cambridge University.


MARCH 2, 2015



FEBRUARY 25, 2015



FEBRUARY 12, 2015



FEBRUARY 12, 2015



JANUARY 24, 2015

Governor Sarah Palin Headed to Iowa


JANUARY 22, 2015



Time is running out. 

As I wrote in  LINK

"Palin To Put Supporters And Haters Out Of "Will She Run" Misery By July?"

The first debates are scheduled for August. If Palin has not declared by then it would seem unlikely that,as the declared candidates debate on nationwide TV, she could declare after that date.

# 7 

CPAC (Feb 25-28). 

Possibly the ideal avenue for a declaration. Governor Palin is not listed as an invitee/speaker at this point but it was the same last year when her coming to address CPAC  was left to right near the event which of course drove up interest massively. If Palin is invited it will set off another media frenzy-if she isn't
that might signal she will not run (although her commitment on Feb 25th might be a valid mitigating factor.)


She didn't say yes-she didn't say no she didn't say stop she didn't say she'd go.

In nearly every interview in the last month Governor Palin has not ruled out running.

"Sarah Palin, the former governor of Alaska and 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, indicated she might run for president in a conversation with an ABC News reporter at a soup kitchen on Thursday.
“Yeah, I mean, of course, when you have a servant’s heart, when you know that there is opportunity to do all you can to put yourself forward in the name of offering service, anybody would be interested,” Palin said."

advises the Washington Post's Robert Costa (no friend of Palin's "She struggles on diminished" he wrote last year)

“You can absolutely say that I am seriously interested,” Palin said, when asked to clarify her thinking about a possible presidential bid."
Palin said, 

“It is a significant step, of course, for anyone to publicly announce that they’re interested. Who wouldn’t be interested? Who wouldn’t be interested when they have been blessed with opportunities to speak about what is important to this country and for this country?”

#9. No third party run.

After considerable speculation, after Speaker Boehner was reflected which many on the right saw a a "betrayal of the mid-terms mandate that Governor Palin might head a third party she has shown no interest whatsoever recently-quite the contrary in fact 


The subtle sign?

Whilst continuing to "go rogue" and hold the GOP to account if they stray from the 2014 mid term mandate e.g. 

"Sarah Palin on New GOP Majority: ‘It’s Not Just the New England Patriots Who Are Dealing with Deflated Balls’"

It is noticeable that she has taken pains on a number of occasions to include herself in the "big tent"-giving kudos to the GOP Establishment. This could be a strong signal that if she did run she would stay within bounds whilst keeping to her "rogue" nature. To me this is the strongest signal of any that she will run.

“That GOP leadership, that establishment, they've got to get their stuff together. I love what they believe in, I believe in it too."


 Do these ten points lead to the conclusion that Palin will run for president? The weight of them leads me to conclude she will-we shall see, and shall see soon (see point #6)

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