Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Richard Dawkins And The Nazi Mobile Death Squads (From Camp Of The Saints)

From my post at Bob Belvedere's The Camp Of The Saints

Dr Peter May (an excellent Christian apologist) at 'bethinking' wrote a column "Richard Dawkins and the Man Delusion" where he considers Dawkins atheism in respect of human morality without God.

 "Consider his chapter, 'The Roots of Morality: why are we good?' in The God Delusion.
It seems to me to require quite a low self-regard to think that, should belief in God suddenly vanish from the world, we would all become callous and selfish hedonists, with no kindness, no charity, no generosity, nothing that would deserve the name of goodness."
and; "Do we really need policing – whether by God or by each other – in order to stop us from behaving in a selfish and criminal manner? I dearly want to believe that I do not need such surveillance – and nor, dear reader, do you..."

      And; "Another good possibility is that atheism is correlated  
with some third factor, such as higher education, intelligence or reflectiveness, which might counteract criminal impulses."
Dr May then goes on to describe a number of moral outrages (including the Norwegian mass murderer Breivik) to contest Dawkins apparent belief that left to itself humanity has an innate moral sense and we would get along just fine without God as the ultimate moral touchstone. 
  Dr. May (who also wrote an excellent primer on the arguments for the existence of God) concludes after listing his examples that "the moral argument for God will strike people more forcefully now than in a very long while." and quotes William Craig Lane "In my experience, the moral argument is the most effective of all the arguments for the existence of God.

 As a corollary, at Bob Belvedere's 'The Camp Of The Saints' there is a discussion on ideology 'On The Nature Of Ideology' which compliments Dr May's thesis that without God as the foundation for human activity then, (as De Sade set out centuries ago) all things are permitted and there is no good and evil, just personal justification.
It is Dawkin's thought "atheism is correlated with some third factor, such as higher education, intelligence or reflectiveness, which might counteract criminal impulses." that is so utterly exploded by a simple reference to history, the Einsatzgruppen trial that one wonders why he is held out to be such an important figure in the debate on religion.
 As summarized at Wikipedia," The Einsatzgruppen were Schutzstaffel (SS) mobile death squads, operating behind the front line in Nazi-occupied eastern Europe. From 1941 to 1943 alone, they murdered more than one million Jews." There were 24 defendants arraigned before the post WW2 mass murder courts for "crimes against humanity" of which 14 were condemned to death by hanging.
Here are extracts from the biographies of some of those sentenced to death. These biographies, by themselves, refute Dawkins entire arguments as reproduced above, and the popular saying "Know God, know peace, No God no peace" stands as the simple man's credo which is far superior to the blind alley the false superiority of scientific atheism leads to.
Otto Ohlendorf studied economics and law at the University of Leipzig and the University of Göttingen, and by 1930 was already giving lectures at several economic institutions. He studied at the University of Pavia, where he gained his doctor's degree in jurisprudence
Walter Blume (born 23 July 1906 in Dortmund — died 13 November 1974 in Dortmund) was a lawyer, an SS-Standartenführer (colonel), leader of Sonderkommando 7a, part of the extermination commando group Einsatzgruppe B, which distinguished itself with the killings of thousands of Jews in Belarus and Russia. Blume was also responsible for the deportation of over 46,000 Greek Jews to Auschwitz.
Paul Blobel (13 August 1894 – 7 June 1951) was a German SS-Standartenführer (Colonel) and a member of the SD. Born in the city of Potsdam, World War, in which by After the war, Blobel studied architecture and practiced this profession from 1924 until 1931
Eduard Strauch Born in Essen, Strauch first studied theology at the universities of Erlangen (now Erlangen-Nuremberg) and Münster, but changed his course of studies and graduated with a degree in jurisprudence.
 Karl Rudolf Werner Braune Braune attended a type of German school known as a Gymnasium and graduated in 1929 with a prestigious diploma known as an abitur.[4] He then studied jurisprudence at the universities of Jena, Bonn, and Munich. He graduated in 1933 with a degree in civil law from the University of Jena

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