Monday, May 11, 2015

The M.Joseph Sheppard Post Report 05/11/2015

The case of actor James Morrison  "That Z tier liberal actor fell for a obvious spoof from newslo .The libs get dumber as the years go on." making a public spectacle of himself by tweeting a ridiculous spoof satire which even a child could see is nonsense just confirms a number of absolute facts about the Left. 
At Right Scoop they ran  "Actor fooled by idiotic fake Ted Cruz ‘girl scout’ story"
Which showed Morrison and a local Iowa anchor both advising that "Ted Cruz suggested Veterans sell cookies door to door like the Girl Guides do to raise money."

Morrison then went into idiot defense mode and attacked all his critics for pointing out what a dupe he was and thus showed himself to be pompous on top of it all. A worse case of someone in a hole digging furiously deeper is hard to find.

It appears to me that in the absolute majority of cases where a public figure falls for a spoof they are a leftist. And the more idiotic and improbable the satire the more certain that that those on the furthest left will be those person who fall for it the hardest. 

The list is endless. Jezebel's Erin Gloria Ryan, Piers Morgan 
Time Magazine  the thousands of idiots who believed the numerous Palin "news reports" e.g. "Palin says Malaysian plane flew straight to Heaven" and "Palin says we should bring in voluntary slavery"

What we see here is an absolute Leftist naivety or rather blindness to reality that accepts any statement about conservatives as the truth, no matter how absurd due to preconceived notions and blind, irrational hate.

What we also see is that the denizens of Hollywood are the worst in their irrationality (or in some cases in their pushing a social agenda whose promotion knows no borders as regards truth and morality and-damn the existing social structure in pursuit of it).

It is clear to me that society will not be fully mature until the irrational celebration of actors/celebrity ends. These people are notoriously neurotic as their marriage failed, children destroyed hedonistic, often drug fueled, self-destructive lifestyle has shown over and over. 

And yet the cult of celebrity allows their every word, no matter how dumb, to be of influence. It allows producers,writers and directors in pursuit of destroying the existing social structure to create television shows and movies which glorifies minority sexual preferences to the effect of overturning the will of the people, via activist judges, who in vote after vote wanted marriage to be defined as between a man and a woman.

Odds are that if a statement from a radical feminist appears and the person is previously unknown she will be
any combination, or all of;
New Yorker
There are the rare exceptions and no matter what Camille Paglia looks like-I love her, but I would be confident the general rule applies, and if betting were undertaken the win rate would be very high.


Palin has garnered the thinking lesbian vote- and it is for her policy and for her humanity. She has a hugely loyal  gay following as well. How can any leftist accuse her of being anything but supportive of all people is ridiculous.


What a fine, dignified man Bob Dole was, and is, irrespective of one opinion as to where he stands on the conservative spectrum. Here is in the presidential debate with President Clinton: 

"The presidency is a public trust, you have to keep that public trust as did George Washington and Abraham Lincoln it has been violated. The President ought to say tonight he's not going to pardon anybody who he was involved in business with who might implicate him later on"

Of course;

"Marc Rich, the businessman whose pardon by outgoing President Bill Clinton in 2001 stirred controversy, has died.
Rich died following a stroke Wednesday at his home in Switzerland. He was 78.
He was among a flurry of pardons given by Clinton on the last day of his presidency. Clinton later said he regretted granting the pardon, calling it “terrible politics.”
Rich had fled the U.S. for Switzerland in 1983 to avoid an indictment on charges of wire fraud, racketeering, trading with Iran during an embargo and evading more than $48 million in U.S. income taxes. He could have faced more than 300 years in prison."
Mr.Rich's ex-wife donated more than $1 million to the Democratic Party
MIAMI BEACH, FL (AP) -- Authorities say a businessman pardoned by former President Clinton has been found dead inside his South Beach condo. Miami Beach police say 63-year-old Almon Braswell was found dead October 28th in his Ocean Drive condo by his employees. It's believed he died from a previous injury. Additional information hasn't been released. The Miami-Dade County medical examiner is labeling Braswell's death as "unclassified" pending more tests. Clinton granted 177 pardons and clemencies just before leaving office in 2001. Braswell was pardoned of convictions for fraud and other crimes stemming from false claims in 1983 about a baldness treatment. His pardon became one of the most criticized after it was learned that Clinton's brother-in-law, Hugh Rodham, had been paid 200-thousand dollars to work on the case. Rodham later returned the money


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