Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Sheppard Post Report; 05/14/15"Confessions Of A Former Liberal & More


Of course a book with that title wood catch my eye-being a "Recovering Liberal." I came across it a the site "Backwoods Home Magazine" where it, 'Radical Son' was reviewed, which review added even more interest because it spoke to me, and I hope did and will speak to so many more. The biography of David Horowitz, the author of the book is found  HERE

Confessions of
a former liberal

By Dave Duffy

Dave Duffy

There is an old adage that goes something like: "If you're not a liberal when you're in your 20s you haven't got a heart; if you're not a conservative by the time you're 40 you haven't got a brain." It's a reasonable summation of youth's innocence and its desire to save the undertrodden from the seeming unfairness of the world, and of adults' experience and its learned realization that utopia on earth is not an option.
I fit that old adage rather nicely, as do millions of others of my generation who were formerly young 1960s liberals bent on saving the world, but who are now middle-aged conservatives and libertarians bent on saving American institutions from the reckless attacks of today's new generation of liberal youth.
I am reading a book by one of my peers, a prominent Sixties radical named David Horowitz, who was one of the founders of the New Left and an editor of Ramparts, the magazine that set the intellectual and revolutionary tone of the Sixties leftist movement. Horowitz's cohorts included Black Panther leader Huey Newton and Tom Hayden, a radical who promoted guerrilla warfare in America's cities in the Sixties but who went on to become a California state senator. The book is called Radical Son: A Generational Odyssey, and it chronicles Horowitz's transformation from prominent left wing radical to prominent conservative publisher, revealing along the way the lies, communist front groups, and other subterfuges many Sixties radical groups used to hide their real agenda, which was to subvert America and replace it with a communist utopia.

Youth and zealotry

Much of the emphasis of Radical Son is on the involvement of youth as the soldiers who form the rank and file of the radical left. "This is the perennial challenge," the book states, "to teach our young the conditions of being human, of managing life's tasks in a world that is (and must remain) forever imperfect. The refusal to come to terms with this reality is at the heart of the radical impulse and accounts for its destructiveness, and thus for much of the bloody history of our age.
"Ominously, Horowitz also states in the book: "My only regret comes from thinking of all those young radicals just entering the arena who, if they were to consider this story, would benefit most from its lessons, but who unfortunately will not read it all."

And that is the sad truth. Just as Horowitz and I did not realize our errors until we had done our damage to America, so too most of this new generation of young radicals will not realize their error until they have done their damage. That fact is at the heart of the recruiting strategy of the left—recruit the young to do the dirty work of dismantling America, then discard them when they get older, and realize that the left is largely a fraud, nothing but a front for socialist and communist ideas.
It's a strategy that has worked well for the left. Horowitz says that many of the publishing avenues that were open to him as a young leftist radical writer were abruptly closed to him when he became a conservative, and much of the favorable publicity he could count on from the mass media suddenly disappeared when he went conservative.

That's why he got involved in several small political magazines, so that like the rest of us conservatives his voice would not be totally muffled by the leftist-controlled mass media. Some of his magazines are Heterodoxy, whose articles shed light on the fraud of many left wing government programs, Report Card, which exposes the fraud of government and union-controlled education in America, and the Defender, which is the mouthpiece of the Individual Rights Foundation. All are excellent and well researched.

Pawns and fools of the left

Horowitz also mentions the pawns and fools who do the left's radical bidding:
Politicians, who respond to the hysterical squeals of the young, as do many of the rest of us, pass laws that further damage America's institutions.
Feminists, who are far more concerned with leftist ideology than with the rights of women, support an Anita Hill against a conservative justice like Chief Justice Clarence Thomas, but then distance themselves from Paul Jones, because she is accusing a liberal President like Bill Clinton.
Environmentalism, he says, is just another horse for the left to ride on because all the previous ones, called collectivism, communism, and progressivism, have been shot out from under them.

Rebirth of individualism

In spite of the somber tone of the book, Horowitz sees hope for America and her institutions. His turnabout, and mine, is part of that hope.We who have been formerly liberal and influential have a lot to atone for. And who doubts that there is a reawakening of individualism in America today, even among some of our youth. Our job, as lovers of freedom and individual rights, is to keep the momentum going. Horowitz's book and his other publications are food for thought for those of us who have traveled from left to right. The book costs $27.50 and his magazines are by subscription. Just contact the Center for the Study of Popular Culture, of which Horowitz is president, at (310) 843-3699. Web address:



Now that a liberal. i.e. Hillary Clinton is running the liberal media has discovered that Sarah palin was the victim of unfair attacks (they were rendered silent for some reason in 2008). Even NOW attacks Barack Obama, whom the left now doesn't need and has discovered "was a centrist all along" as anti-women for attacking leftist icon Elizabeth Warren.

A popular site for young women "Bustle" also joins in using Israeli politician Ayelet Shaked, who is apparently the victim of some misogyny for her "good looks" and of course, as every woman politician, except Hillary, is called "the new Sarah Palin" or Israel's/Ireland's/Australia's etc etc Sarah Palin-there must be hundreds running around doing Palin things-whatever they are (but as made up by the left).

 So with Hillary to defend against all real and imaginary sexism Sarah Palin is dusted off and tons of accretion of liberal dirt is dusted off her whilst the unflattering pictures are replaced with this example.

And the jeers are replaced with tears:

"The awful tendency for a powerful woman’s looks and experience to become a target should make us take a good, long look at elections in the U.S. When Palin entered the national stage in 2008, she was lambasted for everything from her parenting decisions to her clothes. She was referenced as a cheerleader and a Barbie doll more than she was as a politician. But just because a woman does not hold the same principles of feminism as you do doesn't mean that sexist treatment should be tolerated. "

From:The Lost Republic Diaries; Part XIX

"Every nook and cranny of Western Life has been touched by the Perverse, the Abnormal.
One wonders how long the Sane can hold out, how long we will be able to resist.
Luckily for We The Living [aka: The Normal], we have been given a license to act because the Left has made sure we have nothing to lose by mounting a Resistance through their declaring of us to be outside the pale, UNMUTUAL, as it were. Their goal is our utter destruction, as they have explicitly and implicitly stated.
And, as the saying goes: the freest man in the world is the man who has nothing to lose.
We have the freedom now to act to preserve The Founding; we are at Liberty to to operate in what has become the Enemy’s territory. We can gather together and Restore the Precious Gift of The Founding Fathers in territory we achieve control of. We are the Outlaws and we should act accordingly.
We will see some very cruel times, but we have a Duty to our Posterity to preserve the Gift wherever and however we can. We have a duty to those that came before us and sacrificed for us to pay any price and bear any burden to see that Freedom and Ordered Liberty survive in some form. If we do not at least try, we shall be damned before all of Mankind as those cowards who did not attempt to preserve the last, best hope for man on God’s Earth.
We must Join Or Die."

And from: Pope Francis-Dupe? (Quoting "Instapundit" )

"I believe Pope Francis is a fairly bright man, from all of the evidence I have seen [though, certainly no philosopher, like John Paul The Great or Benedict], so I cannot conclude that he is a Dupe, nor, of course and obviously, he is not a member of the Right.
So, sadly, that leaves Fellow Traveller or Apparatchik or Mastermind.
What is clear is that this Pope is the opposite of the previous two wise Pontiffs.
What say you?…
…And should we be asking the old question seriously this time: Is The Pope Catholic?"

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