Friday, October 21, 2016

Gov.Palin Rips Into Hillary In FaceBook Storm Of Posts (Links)

Even Democrats Were Cringing When Hillary Gave Her 'Late Term Abortion' Answers
During the final presidential debate on Wednesday, moderator Chris Wallace (“Fox News Sunday”) asked both candidates whether they would overturn Roe vs. Wade.
Donald Trump's response steered the conversation to late-term abortions, and Clinton was forced to defend the practice:
Rest of article and video clip at LINK
'WTF' Moment at 3rd Presidential Debate: Hillary Gives Away Time it Takes for US Nuclear Response

No one caught that Crooked Hillary stated on LIVE TV what our NUKE RESPONSE TIME IS 4 MIN??@FoxNews @DRUDGE 
Why is Hillary talking about the time it takes the U.S. to launch a nuclear strike against its enemies?
Sure, we get that you don't like The Donald, and Democrats and some moderates are petrified that Trump will get his hands on the nuclear football, but you're talking aboutthe time it takes the US to launch a nuclear strike against its enemies.
The “four-minute warning” has a history going back to the Cold War and describes the approximate time it took for the Soviet Union (they were communists, and were bad) to launch nuclear weapons at Great Britain. That time is around what it would take Putin to launch nukes: two to four minutes. But the U.S. launch response time?
Rest of article at LINK
Confession: I'm an Obama Admirer (Malik LOL) It was nice to shake Obama's hand the other night and whisper a belated "thank...
Hillary 'Horrified' Trump Might Not 'Accept' Election Results -- She Sang a Different Tune in 2000
Near the end of the third and final presidential debate, moderator Chris Wallace asked Donald Trump for clarification on one issue: concession. He asked if, after complaining about a “rigged election,” Trump would be able to accept the results of the election no matter which way things go.
Although his vice-presidential nominee Mike Pence said that they “would absolutely” accept the outcome of the November 8th election, Trump held Wallace off. He said that he would make that decision when he saw the results, promising “to keep everyone in suspense.”
That was when Hillary Clinton spoke up:
Rest of article and video at LINK

Hillary Clinton Just Kickstarted a Debate about 'Dozens of Toddlers' Who Kill People with Guns

Getty - Chip Somodevilla
As the final presidential debate began in Las Vegas, moderator Chris Wallace opened with a question about the Supreme Court and interpretation of the Constitution.
Republican nominee Donald Trump centered his answer on the 2nd Amendment because, as he explained, “the 2nd Amendment is the one that is under siege.”

The 2nd Amendment is under siege. We need SCOTUS judges who will uphold the US Constitution. ~ Donald Trump
Wallace followed up by asking Clinton about her plans for defending the 2nd Amendment.

Wow, Chris Wallace actually mentioned Hillary saying "The Supreme Court is wrong on the 2nd Amendment" 
Jake Tapper Stuns Twitter by Dropping Results of CNN Focus Group on Last Night's Debate Winner
First, the 'shocking news.' A CNN focus group of 21 undecided voters said Donald Trump won Wednesday night's final presidential debate — by a margin of 10-5, with 6 undecided.
Rest of article and video at LINK

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