Saturday, October 22, 2016

Massive Positive Reaction Even From MSM To Trump's "CONTRACT WITH THE AMERICAN VOTER"

- OCTOBER 22, 2016 -
WSJ: “He set a newly serious tone…His agenda for his first 100 days echoed proposals he has been touting on the campaign trail for months—tax cuts, a crackdown on illegal immigration and renegotiation of trade deals.” (WSJ, 10/22/16)
Washington Times' SA Miller: "Trump closing argument is battle cry against Clinton corruption" "Donald Trump called on voters Saturday to help him defeat a “totally rigged system,” delivering a speech billed as the closing argument for his presidential campaign that became a battle cry against the forces that he said conspire against him and the American people." (Washington Times, 10/22/16)
The Hill: “Trump outlines first 100 days” (The Hill, 10/22/16)
Newsmax’s Sandy Fitzgerald: “GOP nominee Donald Trump Saturday outlined an ambitious plan for his first 100 days in office, saying on the first day alone he has several steps he plans to take to end Washington's corruption.” (Newsmax, 10/22/16)
Washington Post: “In his speech on Saturday, Trump listed more than two dozen things that he wants to do, including amending the Constitution to create term limits in Congress, renegotiating NAFTA and other trade deals, overwriting “every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum and order issued by President Obama,” and suspending immigration from “terror-prone regions.” (WaPo, 10/22/16)
Washington Examiner: “Donald Trump's first 100 days in office will include orders to suspend immigration from terror-prone countries, roll back President Obama's executive orders and cancel federal funding to sanctuary cities.” (Washington Examiner, 10/22/16)
Dailymail's David Martosko: “Trump's 'Gettysburg address' makes closing argument for choosing him and unveils first-100-days agenda as he promises 'the kind of change that only arrives once in a lifetime'” (DailyMail, 10/22/16)
CNN’s Alice Stewart: “This @realDonaldTrump 100 day action plan is strong.” (Twitter, 10/22/16)
Daily Caller’s Matt Lewis: “Trump is hitting a populist message about the rules being rigged in the US economy. "Change has to come from outside..." (Twitter, 10/22/16)
Lifezette’s Kozak: “Speaking in Gettysburg, PA, the site of the bloodiest battle ever fought on American soil and the location where President Abraham Lincoln delivered the eternal Gettysburg Address, Trump pledged to bring change to Washington and unity to a broken nation.” (Lifezette, 10/22/16)
Dean Cain: “I'm liking the Trump address at #Gettysburg right now... term limits!!” (Twitter, 10/22/16)
Fox News’ Laura Ingraham: “This is the best speech of the campaign -- SUBSTANTIVE, CLEAR, pro-American workers and he is not shouting. @realDonaldTrump” (Twitter, 10/22/16)
Fox News’ KT MacFarland: “@realDonaldTrump is giving a FANTASTIC speech #Gettysburg - A new Reagan Rev to repair economy, peace through strength, restore patriotism” (Twitter, 10/22/16)
Fox News’ Gina Gentry Louden: “Reform candidate, @realDonaldTrump gives speech of the election cycle: Eliminates regs, corruption, & creates #JOBS! #DrainTheSwamp#maga!” (Twitter, 10/22/16)
Cox Radio’s Jamie Dupree: “Trump says his "100 day action plan" is a contract between him and the American voter.” (Twitter, 10/22/16)
Breitbart’s Swoyer: “Donald Trump Promises Change in Gettysburg Speech: ‘Has to Come from Outside Our Very Broken System’” “Donald Trump addressed the nation from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania — not far from where President Lincoln delivered his famous address in 1863 — on Saturday afternoon, where he laid out his closing arguments ahead of the election in 17 days.” (Breitbart, 10/22/16)

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