Saturday, October 15, 2016

Trump Polls Highest With Hispanics;Wikileaks/Podesta Dem Campaigns Anti-Catholic Remarks Stealth October Surprise?

The USC/LATimes poll for October 14th has a surprising result. Trump hits his highest level of support at 38% with Hispanics since the poll commenced 7/10.This closes the gap from Clinton from+39 to +13.
Clinton hit her highest polling with Hispanics at 62.6 to Trump's nadir of 23.5%. Since then Trump has averaged in the low thirties.

On 10/13 Wikileaks revealed the following
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri and Center for American Progress fellow John Halpin mocked conservative Catholicism as an "amazing bastardization of the faith" in new emails released by WikiLeaks. (From Christian Post).
The revelation has come under severe attack from both Evangelical but most especially Catholic commentators including numerous Catholic clerics in Catholic media and the MSM (including Bill O'Reilly's program on Fox) as linked below.
The USC/LATimes poll is a seven day average of respondents so the Wiki news will just now be seen to be factoring in to their results. 

If, as seems possible, the rise to an all time high for Trump with Hispanics is related to the anti-Catholic statements, and it continues not only with Hispanics but with other Catholic groups it could have a major effect on the campaign, far more pertinent and powerful than the media frenzy with unsubstantiated Trump problems with women hysteria.
The next few days may prove to be a major turning point in the campaign if this is indeed beginning to have an effect, or it may be an unrelated statistical blip. If the former it will be an October surprise of October surprises

WikiLeaks hack exposes Clinton staff's past Catholic conversations ...
2 days ago - The emails illustrate "the open anti-Catholic bigotry of her senior advisers, ... In a statement Wednesday Christopher Hale, executive director of ...

WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton Confidantes Mock Evangelicals and ... › politics
4 days ago - American Pastor Charged Under Russia's New Anti-Evangelism Law .... Related: WikiLeaks Scandal: After Hillary Clinton Confidantes Mock ... They are also both raising their children as Catholics," Auletta wrote in ... Advice for Young Republican Christians Coping With Trump's Sexual Assault Comments ...

Leaked emails show Clinton's team should read a catechism - CNA Blog
3 days ago - Today, the anti-secrecy and disclosure site WikiLeaks released more ..... and hateful statements about the Catholic Church and Catholics in the ...

Wikileaks Emails: Hillary Clinton Campaign Shows Contempt for ...
3 days ago - By Michael Voris, S.T.B. • 32 CommentsWikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton Campaign Plots Revolution in Catholic Church .... you will see the contempt for every aspect of the faith so evident in E Mails from the leadership of the Dem.

[Ongoing Updates] Clinton Campaign Anti-Catholic WikiLeaks Scandal › Democratic Party
3 days ago - has called for the resignation or dismissal of all Clinton staffers who made disparaging remarks about Catholics, or admitted to ...

WikiLeaks Dump: Top Clinton Aides Mock Catholicism, Evangelical ...
3 days ago - New revelations from the latest WikiLeaks dump has key Hillary ... Trump...take a whack at these comments [instead of Paul Ryan]" in ... Election HQ Rove on House, Senate Races: Could End Up a 'Wave Election' for Dems.

Bennett on WikiLeaks: '[Clinton] Crowd' 'Trans-Atlantic Agnostic ...
2 days ago - "This crowd has been anti-Catholic for a long time," Bennett said, saying ... Watch the full clip above and let us know what you think in the comments. ... Rove on House, Senate Races: Could End Up a 'Wave Election' for Dems.

WATCH: Democrat strategist defends Clinton team's e-mails bashing ...
2 days ago - WikiLeaks published the explosive e-mails involving Clinton campaign ... “This crowd has been anti-Catholic for a long time,” said former ...

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