Monday, December 12, 2016

Trump's Administration A Populist Meritocracy

 "1776er"  How are we to evaluate Trump's approach?
Republicans. Democrats. Insiders. Outsiders. Movement. Establishment. Christians. Atheists. Black. White. Hispanic. Gay. Straight. Transgendered. Feminist. Troglodyte. Xenophobe.  Commie. Islamophobe  Deplorable.
He don't care.
He is focused on results. Get me the results I want or get lost"

And quite right too. The "Never Trump" conservative ideologues can stay in their ivory towers as disconnected from the rust belt working men and women as Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Establishment are. The voters in the key marginal states wanted change and have a clear idea of what that change is-a return to America first job security and opportunity.

This requirement, which exit polls clearly signaled as the number one concern for voters, is of course Trump's perceived strength and clearly his main focus, the successful  execution of which would be his presidential legacy.

Trump as president and head of the GOP is the populist element of the administration, it being utterly wrong to even consider this as a 'figurehead' for the Wall St. crowd as sullen leftists are describing the situation.

 There is nothing the GOP establishment can do to stop or hinder Trump's plan for regenerating the American economy  even if by interventionist means which are such an anathema to the traditional right.

The surest indicator of this is the Carrier deal, a populist interaction if there ever was one, which was enabled and enhanced by VP in waiting and true classic conservative Mike Pence.

 The GOP understands they owe the presidency and the Supreme Court to Trump and while the likes of McCain and Graham may tut tut in the end they are powerless in face of the vast support Trump has among the rank and file.

In a magnificent display of realpolitik Trump has solidified his support in the party by creating a "meritocracy" cabinet of rock solid military men, hugely successful businessmen and women and achievers all without a nod to traditional party loyalists (Haley for example was a strong opponent) and even early supporters like Gingrich, Giuliani and Christie. 

What stands out above all with Trump's appointments is that the group is solidly conservative. 

This will signal to the base that their turning out for him in campaign events and in the polling booth that their desires as regards immigration (especially Muslim immigration), social issues, bureaucracy,"sanctuary cities", support of the police and armed forces, "Obamacare" with be addressed and the measures of the Obama years will be erased as much as possible.

In return for this large shopping list the rank and file and new GOP "blue collar" voters don't care in the least if traditional Republican free trade orthodoxy is ignored, as often as Trump deems it necessary, if they see jobs returning. 

When asked if he was acting against free trade by putting barriers to American firms relocating to Mexico Trump replied "that is not free trade that is dumb trade." There can be no doubt those in the rust belt in danger of losing their jobs would not side with the likes of George Will. Mark Levin and Bill Kristol and the rest of the purists railing against Trump in their $1000 suits.

There is much of FDR in Trump. Both very wealthy men who took office during times of financial and foreign uncertainty and who assembled a cabinet of similarly capable men and women. The outcome for FDR and the Democratic Party following his success was 20 years of unbroken presidential rule and a new coalition which served the party well until 2016. 

Trump has the opportunity of cementing a new populist/meritocratic Republican Party with the Dem's in the worst shape since the 1920's. If he succeeds the election of 2016 will be seen in retrospect as a major watershed in American history.

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