Monday, January 9, 2017

Hail And Farewell!

With Governor Palin's chosen candidate, and mine, now President-Elect Trump having won the basic premise of this site is concluded. 

The sites premise was always a philosophical one  ("Palinism in the Presidency") and that has been achieved

This is not/never was a "fan site" although I have enjoyed over the years presenting interesting coverage of the Palin family and their adventures. Further there is little point  in cutting and pasting such things from other sites as they are readily accessed at the original places like 'Conservatives4Palin" Breitbart and etc.

I will leave this site up as there are hundreds of visitors daily to the archives and I trust they find the reference items of value. If matters change with Governor Palin I will of course look at initiating a new Palin centered title. With all this I am delighted that Governor Palin seems to be in a very happy space doing what she seems to enjoy most of all which is helping others and presenting her Christian based values to the wider public. 

It's a pleasure to see she has outlasted all the haters and genuinely mad alleged humans who have taken out their frustration with their unhappy lives, physical appearance and failures on someone who is so happy, healthy  wealth and living a life of excitement and adventure! Not bad for a fisherman's wife from a small town in the far reaches of Alaska!

Here is my credo on the matter;

This site is not absolutely about Sarah Palin but rather about supporting her philosophy. Of course I, and I am sure a massive number of others, judging by her Facebook followers being over 3 million, would have wish her to have run in 2016 or to be in a cabinet role.

But Palin is only one person, and a person with massive family commitments, especially with Trig of course. It may be that she has developed a taste for the freedom from financial constraints and from media criticism worries, and is happy to enjoy the rest of her life in comfort and ease.

If so, good for her. Surely nobody else in public life has endured the slings and arrows of outrageous leftism over the last seven years and would be entitled to such a respite as her skills and endurance has gained for her.

There are of course many options for public involvement open to her. She will be in demand as public speaker for some time yet as an historic figure at least.

Palin can of course continue endorsing and campaigning for candidates she considers it important to do so. 

But even if none of these options appeal to her, no matter how great or influential and correct a person's political, social and economic  ideas and ideals are, they will outlive their originator if they have lasting value.

The "common sense conservatism" policies that Sarah Palin espouses and exemplifies, are lasting if not timeless and will be her legacy no matter what her personal future holds. An outline of  what she, and this site stood for are

Palin chose not to run in 2016 but endorsed a candidate, Donald Trump, enthusiastically. In that person "Palin-ism in the Presidency" comes into effect. Thus, in effect, Palin herself is the candidate and can be said to have run. Her values, ideals and hopes for America will be instituted to as much a degree as possible by her chosen candidate for which her endorsement, at a critical time, was hugely valuable.

Her statements on Obama's capabilities/Putin & The Ukraine/race relations under Obama/"Crony Capitalism" and so much more have been proven to be far sighted and, sadly, correct. It was an unexpected economic collapse in September 2008 which robbed her of the vice-presidency and her chance to prove herself on the national stage. But, such is life and who knows what the future may bring.

Being outside of cabinet/the administration palin is free to hold the admin's feet to the fire. If there is a deviance from the principles that saw Trump elected to such a degree that Palin is alienated then I will of course support her at such a point, which hopefully does not arise.

As for myself I have enormously enjoyed writing about Palin and conservative economics and social values for all these years, don't regret a moment of it (except for having at times to dialogue with obsessed idiots from the likes of "Immoral Minority".) I have through this site honed my writing ability, such as it is and have had many articles published at major avenues. 

Most of all I've enjoyed the company of many wonderful, intelligent and dedicated people and for that above all I thank Governor Palin.

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