Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Desperate Dem Days;GOP 9 For 9 After Trump's Election

After Barack Obama's election in 2008 the Democratic party commenced an historic losing streak slide in elections across every major category. the worst in nearly a century.

When Obama took office, there were 60 Democratic senators; now there are 46. The number of House seats held by Democrats has shrunk from 257 to 188.
There are now nine fewer Democratic governors than in 2009. Democrats currently hold fewer elected offices nationwide than at any time since the 1920s.

The grand total: a net loss of 1,042 state and federal Democratic posts, including congressional and state legislative seats, governorships and the presidency. 

Here is how President Trump's record has turned out so far in respect of elections for major offices in GOP held seats since his November win, this despite seven months of unrelenting media attacks and supposed "low approval" polls:

June 20th 2017: Georgia's 6th Congressional district. After local and especially outside Dem groups spent an astounding $29,000,000 plus to get a win, any win, against President Trump. 

Their choice, a candidate, Ossoff, who couldn't even vote for himself, with nine times as many donors from his home state of California than from Georgia, lost. The Republican, Karen Handel, won by just under 4 points in a district Trump only won by 1 point.

The media meme ran from "This is a referendum on Trump to "It was a partial referendum." Whichever it was, Trump won handily.

June 20th 2017: South Carolina's 5th Congressional District special election. Republican Ralph Norman defeated Democratic challenger Archie Parnell by just over 3  points. Parnell's pitch of being "A new kind of Dem who can think for himself" did not bring the reward he hoped for.The result for the GOP was hugely down from Tom Price's 2016 win but the turnout of 86k (Dem 41k) compared to 273k shows the motivation on both sides was not there.

May 25th 2017: Greg Gianforte comfortably won the special election for Montana's sole congressional seat. This after continuous media attacks on him and the Trump teams supposed Russia ties and a clear provocation by an ultra-lib reporter to the GOP's candidate which led to charges of assault.

May 16th 2017 Kay Kirkpatrick won Georgia's State Senate for District 32 with 57% of the vote. Her 13 point margin was the same as Trump's margin in the district last November.

On May 10th Omaha Nebraska's Republican Jean Stothert "easily won re-election over Heath Mello with 53% of the vote in the mayoralty election "It was another brutal loss for (fractured) Democrats – who couldn’t even win in a big Midwestern city"

On April 11th Ron Estes won the special election in the 4th Congressional District of Kansas with 53% of the vote 

12/10/16 John Kennedy wins the open senate seat from Louisiana in the first major electoral test following Donald Trump's win with near 61% of the vote.

On the same day Mike Johnson won Louisiana's 4th Congressional District with 65% of the vote

and Clay Higgins won Louisiana's 3rd Congressional District with 56% of the vote

Some campaigns did less well for the GOP than preceding wins, but that is of course to be expected in off-year elections with lower turnout and and enraged opposition, but unlike the Obama years for example the GOP still won every election too date.

The Democrat's seem to have learned nothing from their presidential election loss and still run an "Trump is evil"/"Russia" without offering clear proposals to deal with America's issues.

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