Sunday, November 19, 2017

Hillary; The Sorrow And The Pity; "Depart In The Name of God Go"

It's like watching the end career Whitney Houston stumbling through 'I will always love you' or tragic Muhammad Ali in the early stages of Parkinson's versus Larry Holmes when Larry backed off in pity and Ali sat, head bowed, on his stool unable to continue.

It's sad to watch the descent of a fellow human being no matter how hideous they were in their prime. But now it's time to turn eyes away. I've reached a point where anger has now turned to a genuine sadness for, yes I'll say, it Hillary Clinton (and similarly the tragic stick figure of Kathy Griffin).
Watching Hillary hobble in a moon boot, flogging books in Walmart, railing endlessly about a stolen election "a dictatorship" if there is a hint of legal action against her, while her erstwhile defenders in the liberal media turn on her and Bill, would have previously brought emotions of glee, exhilaration and notions of "karma" but, frankly, all that arises are feelings of not caring at all.
Colleagues round on me with exhortations about her long career of various degrees of purported malfeasance, lying, enabling, rages, money grubbing and worse in fact the endless gamut of charges conservatives have railed about  for decades and of course they have a point. It is perfectly natural to seek political revenge against a hated figure who has stood in the way of ones partisan beliefs and electoral wins but I just don't have it in me anymore.
It may eventuate that Hillary has just commenced her decline and if what is being described as "The crime of the century" the uranium to Russia scandal with its purported pay to play Clinton involvement, actually entails malfeasance then even the most revengeful will at some point remove themselves from the ensuing denouement.
American political history has shown that the voters nearly always make the right presidential choice no matter how puzzling such choices are to the pundit class.

As each month passes from President Trump's election and unemployment reaches lows never seen in state after state, consumer confidence rebounds, blue collar wages show a sharp increase and the share market booms.
Hillary thus becomes more and more an afterthought as Trump voters are justified in their choice-most especially in the "rust belt' states where Trump overcame massive Democratic majorities and whose voters are being repaid for their faith in his MAGA promises.

Hillary's seeming pathetic end game role is to be thrown under the bus by erstwhile colleagues Like Donna Brazile, the 'Morning Joe team who, after decades now have seen the light that Bill (and by implication Hillary) where not the shining lights the left held them up to be and a whipping girl for radical feminist frustration;

"Hollywood celebrities, liberal journalists and Democrat politicians are being destroyed by this feminist war of vengeance, and why? Because Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, that’s why." 
Oliver Cromwell's exhortation to the similarly sad, well past its use by date and functionless Rump Parliament
You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately... Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!"

Might, with unexpected but needed introspection (and perhaps intervention by well meaning friends) commend itself to Hillary, in the end if not for her possibly incorrigible sake, then for ours.

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