Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Top Ten Takeaways From the Alabama Election

1.President Trump's instincts, in supporting Luther Strange, were absolutely right. He had no choice, to defend his senate majority, but to endorse Moore. President Obama suffered massive Congressional defeats but still enacted his progressive agenda via his “pen and phone.” He was of course re-elected so 2020 is not a given for the Dem’s either.

2. The Dem's won with filthiest election tactics and masses of out of state money. The seat is of course on loan but the GOP’s senate majority is now infinitesimal with Collins/Flake/McCain etc.  holding the party hostage.

3. Well the MSM "If Dem's lose they will win, if Moore wins GOP will lose" now has to be rewritten “Dem's win and lose GOP loses and wins."

4. All those "progressives'” @wonkette @dailykos etc who call Alabamans "buck toothed inbred morons" now find they deeply love their fellow Americans from wonderful Alabama

5. The political atmosphere can't change because the entire MSM is dedicated to bringing down Trump. This is a war to the finish with no holds barred. The base must Fight fight and fight again

6. Hopefully Jones win will encourage Hillary to revenge herself for the 2016 stolen election and run again in 2020

7. @foxnewspoll "Jones +10" must be the stupidest last minute poll ever run, Fox Polling Zero credibility from now on. The entire polling industry failed yet again. Not a single poll had Jones winning except Fox which spoiled their prediction by making Jones potential win a ludicrous figure.

 8. Steve Bannon is done. Out of the administration and will never be sought for advice, and his endorsements will not be sought either. Sarah Palin lives to fight another day. Although she endorsed Moore early she did not campaign for him once the mass of harassment attacks commenced.
9. Black women Dem's having a field day "We are the heart of the base we have the power etc. This is most certainly true and may affect 2020 in Florida/North Carolina but Black vote which was  at its height in Pennsylvania can still see the GOP win the state and the Electoral College with massive Republican turnout in rural areas.

10. The GOP Establishment from McConnell to, Alabama Senator Richard Shelby, who refused to support Moore and put the GOP’s agenda in great peril, were instrumental in Moore’s loss. The day of reckoning is coming either for the Establishment or the base.

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