Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Updated; "Let's Be Even More Realistic"

 And that's that as any realistic person knew from the start. Again, as I set out below in my November 23rd post, I am not deriding the GOP personnel/bloggers who ran/run with this as, as I said, it serves a wider purpose but for anyone who believes there could possibly be fraud on such a massive scale without it being detected they might reexamine their thinking.


"Barr: No evidence of fraud that’d change election outcome" LINK

Published November 23rd

President Trump's "Stolen Election" campaign is of course theater with no chance whatsoever of succeeding. That's not to say it is invalid in of itself-far from it.

The campaign serves, with great value, to give those who believe in it a bone to chew on for four years and solidifies the core base. It is unprovable either way and any tidbit such as the discovery of a few thousand votes in sum here and there which were miscounted or not counted until well after the election only serves to reinforce the opinions of those who hold to the concept.

It is also valuable as a mechanism to delegitimize the Biden administration  in exactly the same way that the "Russia/Putin stole the election from Hillary/P tape" nonsense was used by the Dems/MSM against Trump.

Republicans like Toomey and Christie who are attacking Trump over this, while well knowing why it is being done, are just using it as a way of getting back at Trump for perceived slights and simple jealousy. They have no political future beyond where they are now because of their disingenuous actions.

It would be too easy to condemn Twitter activists and bloggers who are holding out hope to their followers that Trump will succeed as playing on the naivety of their, mostly young who believe such fantasies, audience for page clicks and to build up their following. 

But, to be totally cynical in the context of what is a fight to the death against the forces of leftism anything that keeps conservatives motivated is of value no matter how cynical and self-serving the methods used to reach that goal are.

1 comment:

  1. Biden stole it.
    We'll see if the SCOTUS is worth a fart in a thunderstorm.
